first and foremost.. what an awesome weekend.
joe's friends from bean town came in on saturday morning.
we ended up going to the zoo (which i now refer as the Zoozies!.. dont ask..)
i think we must have sa every inch of the zoo that day. but fun none the less.
after the zoo we went to coventry and hung out and ate at tommy's.
we were all going to go out at night and meet up with everyone at mullens, but by the time we got home, we were all so tired that we all ended up passing out and not waking up until midnight. and since we had to be up at 8am we just decided to stay in.
sunday. punk rock flea market.
woke up around 8 to go get the rental van. drove to the spot and packed up everyone's gear.
dropped it off at the church and set up the PA then headed back to pick up kristen and lindsay. and to take a shower and such. the show was a lot of fun. We decided to go to Bobby O's for a few drinks in between bands. a few drinks ended up to be way to many. then came time for us to play....
chugga chugga chugga choo chooooooooooooo *CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
what a nightmare. between me fucking up the set list. and fucking up the samples. and joe breaking his guitar, and not remembering the songs from being nervous, and burrows fucking up the new song (although we did just write that one wednesday) it was a ton of fun. i think jeff and i were a bit to drunk. especially me. i should not have a microphone when im drunk. the things i say is just pure nonsense. i do believe that jeff also hit me square in the nuts with his bass. that doesnt feel to good today. all in all it was a good time minus the mishap.
afterwards we partied down here at the lewis house. i was absoultely beat and ended up crashing out early.
work today is hell.
joe's friends from bean town came in on saturday morning.
we ended up going to the zoo (which i now refer as the Zoozies!.. dont ask..)
i think we must have sa every inch of the zoo that day. but fun none the less.
after the zoo we went to coventry and hung out and ate at tommy's.
we were all going to go out at night and meet up with everyone at mullens, but by the time we got home, we were all so tired that we all ended up passing out and not waking up until midnight. and since we had to be up at 8am we just decided to stay in.
sunday. punk rock flea market.
woke up around 8 to go get the rental van. drove to the spot and packed up everyone's gear.
dropped it off at the church and set up the PA then headed back to pick up kristen and lindsay. and to take a shower and such. the show was a lot of fun. We decided to go to Bobby O's for a few drinks in between bands. a few drinks ended up to be way to many. then came time for us to play....
chugga chugga chugga choo chooooooooooooo *CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
what a nightmare. between me fucking up the set list. and fucking up the samples. and joe breaking his guitar, and not remembering the songs from being nervous, and burrows fucking up the new song (although we did just write that one wednesday) it was a ton of fun. i think jeff and i were a bit to drunk. especially me. i should not have a microphone when im drunk. the things i say is just pure nonsense. i do believe that jeff also hit me square in the nuts with his bass. that doesnt feel to good today. all in all it was a good time minus the mishap.
afterwards we partied down here at the lewis house. i was absoultely beat and ended up crashing out early.
work today is hell.
Man sounds like good times.....sorry I missed it. Next time though.

rye rules.