ok so im not taking a leave of absents from the SG world. I have just decided that i spend way to much time on the internets drinking being depressed and making myself fat... yes i said it.. making myself fat. it has gotten to a point that i have been so lazy that i sit here and drink and eat junk food and smoke tons of cigarettes. i'm not going to let that happen to me. so i need to stay off the booze not eat junk food, and not sit in front of the computer all night. its killing me.
it's been 4 days now since ive been "on the computer"
i checked my email twice and looked at myspace once or twice.. and i havent even played Call of Duty in over a week.
What have I been doing you ask? I have been working a lot. Also working on my lyrics for the band. I decided that i don't want funny and humorous lyrics anymore. I dropped the serious bomb on the band. Instead of writing songs about Hot Dogs and stupid shit like going to circle k and buying beer and slim jims, i am now writing shit that is close to me. I am writing songs about being fucked in life, society, anxiety, commercialism, friendship, compassion, and trust.
I've spent the latter of the days sitting in the dark, writing to candle light and the humming of my air conditioner.
i've thought a lot these past few days. and thought about how lucky i have it sometimes. how some people are less fortunate than i am and how their "struggle" is way worse than mine.
I'll admit it.. i've sat here and cried my eyes out. ive had breakdowns. but have my roommates to thank for talking to me and cheering me up.
on a less depressing note:
it's been humid as all hell here. and hot as well. to anyone who knows me, i dislike pants. and i dislike shorts. when i come home from work, i usually lounge around my room in my boxers all day. today was the end all be all. i broke down and went and bought some shorts. i dont like shorts because i dont like my legs or my butt. (yes, i know im a friggin girl.. so what) immediately after coming home, i tore the tags off and sewed some patches on.(some safety pinned because i suck at sewing).
i've been listening to MASTODON all day. It's making me want to smoke a shit ton of weed. i wish i had a bong and some weed. because today... i have declared it, THE SUMMER OF WEED.
it's been 4 days now since ive been "on the computer"
i checked my email twice and looked at myspace once or twice.. and i havent even played Call of Duty in over a week.
What have I been doing you ask? I have been working a lot. Also working on my lyrics for the band. I decided that i don't want funny and humorous lyrics anymore. I dropped the serious bomb on the band. Instead of writing songs about Hot Dogs and stupid shit like going to circle k and buying beer and slim jims, i am now writing shit that is close to me. I am writing songs about being fucked in life, society, anxiety, commercialism, friendship, compassion, and trust.
I've spent the latter of the days sitting in the dark, writing to candle light and the humming of my air conditioner.
i've thought a lot these past few days. and thought about how lucky i have it sometimes. how some people are less fortunate than i am and how their "struggle" is way worse than mine.
I'll admit it.. i've sat here and cried my eyes out. ive had breakdowns. but have my roommates to thank for talking to me and cheering me up.
on a less depressing note:
it's been humid as all hell here. and hot as well. to anyone who knows me, i dislike pants. and i dislike shorts. when i come home from work, i usually lounge around my room in my boxers all day. today was the end all be all. i broke down and went and bought some shorts. i dont like shorts because i dont like my legs or my butt. (yes, i know im a friggin girl.. so what) immediately after coming home, i tore the tags off and sewed some patches on.(some safety pinned because i suck at sewing).

i've been listening to MASTODON all day. It's making me want to smoke a shit ton of weed. i wish i had a bong and some weed. because today... i have declared it, THE SUMMER OF WEED.
she's cute ain't she? i met her while in NYC. i saw her set being taken! she's awesome!