god damn i love avail.
the past 2 days ive spent listening to old cd's. fucking rules. i forgot how much i love screeching weasel and lagwagon.
why hasnt my records from Hopeless come yet? Joe and Burrows got theirs. and i fucking ordered mine the same night.
i'm swearing like a sailor tonight.
i love stella artois.
i wish it wasnt $8 a 6 pack.
stupid cat pissed on my bed last night.
through 2 comforters, and 3 sheets.
fucking cat is a piss factory.
luckily it didnt go through to my matress.
i had to sleep on a bare matress last night with a tiny blanket.
i froze my ass off, and woke up itchy.
i need to do my taxes.
i want a new camera and a new graphics card.
i also need a new monitor.
mine is about 10 years old.

the past 2 days ive spent listening to old cd's. fucking rules. i forgot how much i love screeching weasel and lagwagon.
why hasnt my records from Hopeless come yet? Joe and Burrows got theirs. and i fucking ordered mine the same night.
i'm swearing like a sailor tonight.
i love stella artois.
i wish it wasnt $8 a 6 pack.
stupid cat pissed on my bed last night.
through 2 comforters, and 3 sheets.
fucking cat is a piss factory.
luckily it didnt go through to my matress.
i had to sleep on a bare matress last night with a tiny blanket.
i froze my ass off, and woke up itchy.
i need to do my taxes.
i want a new camera and a new graphics card.
i also need a new monitor.
mine is about 10 years old.

hey man it's all good