oh man im totally stoked. i got the house i was looking at. went over and did all the paper work for it tonight. i cannot fucking wait. i'm so sick of this hell hole i live in now. and to have my own house! it's beautiful!!!!!

ur a ww2 gamer...slick. ever touch battle feild 1942? good shit. lakewoods tight, hit up a few concerts there. whats ur bands name?
Emo is gay you say, yet I went to your site and I see the guitarist wearing an "every time I die" shirt. + u list Briad (I'll assume u mean Braid), Aloha et el. What's up?

In other news, are you renting or buying. Staying in Lakewood?

Show promoter? Just for yourself or do you rep a firm?
i'm finally glad we are all done with our shows, for now. i'm sick fo playing the same set we've played for the past 4 months. it got old. but, never fear, we have new material. only you wont be able to hear it until may! so ha!

in may we will be releasing our first release on United Edge Records. We wont be playing...
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today begins my embarkment on looking for a new place to live. i love the Ethel house so much, but all in all we are getting fucked by our landlord. he's sucha slumlord it's unreal. our apt has so much less than the rest of them. our hardwood floors are dingy and not finished. while everyone elses has nicely finished wood floors. our kitchen doesnt...
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band drama. i'm sick and tired of it. the funny thing is, it's not even my band. my roommates band is causing so much drama over nothing. well basically over us. it's soo stupid and i just hate being stuck in a bunch of bullshit drama. i am drama free and have been for a long time. i don't need this shit.
on a sad note.
apparently the van is gone.
both bands decided that it is to much trouble to maintain.
the seals on the engine are blown. which means taking the whole engine apart and rebuilding it.
which in turn would cost more money than it is worth.
it also needs and e-check, which it def will not pass.
the front brakes are shot.
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wow. i've managed to neglict this lately. things have been super busy. a big BOO to all you who didn't vote for my band for the Suicide Girls Tour. bummer, but thats alright because we wouldn't have been able to play now. last friday we had to kick Zach out of the band. He was not performing up to par with us, and was slacking,...
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man fuck work and fuck the holiday season.
i never get to enjoy it at all in this job. it's one thing after another.
**edit - it took me about 3 minutes to type this while my cat was licking and biting my fingers*damn you stupid!*

i still have not gotten andrea anything for x-mas. i have to go like right now.
haha man i...
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yay for gay! wink

Happy Holidaze surreal
Happy Birthday! biggrin
very very good things have been happening to me lately.
#1. i have an amazing girlfriend.
#2. the band is doing awesome. we just got a deal to put out a record on a small label from NYC. www.unitededge.com
#3. i am awesome. hah.

ps vote for us in the suicide girls band contest thing. pleas ignore the bio and the song. hah its an...
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i am in love.

at least somone is!