Ok all... I'm getting better! At least one journal per month for the last few months. Maybe I'm on a roll??
Well,it's the first day of february. 9:58am, I'm sitting here with my daughter. She's having her bottle and I'm having mine...
coffee that is
. And good news to all you parents and fans of children out there: My Isabel has gotten her first two teeth!! YUP, my babay has gotten herself some too-fers! Both of the bottom front ones. I've heard that it's common for either those... or the top two to come in first. Then, the other set of front ones to follow suite. It's still amazes me that she changes every day.
Well, i wanted to add a photo of her here but it seems as if i'm having technical difficulties... photos to come soon then. When I quit being a doof!

Well,it's the first day of february. 9:58am, I'm sitting here with my daughter. She's having her bottle and I'm having mine...

Well, i wanted to add a photo of her here but it seems as if i'm having technical difficulties... photos to come soon then. When I quit being a doof!

Happy New Year!!!
its so sweet !!the first tooth of your baby