Sorry that it's so hard for me to keep focused. I'm on a three beer drunk right now... YES. I did just say 'a three beer drunk'. You must remember and forgive that I'm only four months post-partum and I have only just recently given up on exclusively breastfeeding my daughter. So, I'm a pretty cheep drunk.
I'm also in a melancoly mood right now so please forgive me,,,
I'm actually not too sure why I've decided to come back, or if I should stay for that matter. It's all just too hard to keep up with. Having Isabel in my life is the most important thing right now and all else is a struggle. Not to mention the tattoo career and marriage that I've just started. But to try to keep this on a lighter note, I did mention Isabel.
Before i skipped out back in April/May, whenever, I was pregnant with a little girl. My honcho and I finally decided to name her Isabel Leigh. We actually were still debating on the name the day the doctors decided to induce my labor. It wasn't until she came out and I could see her in my husbands arms that I was for sure that Isabel was RIGHT for her. And for those of you that have asked and been curious... Zentex, ,my labor, other than being induced was pretty uneventful. I was induced in my 39th week because the fluid around the baby was getting too low. I was in labor about 8 hrs. and I ended up only wanting a half a shot of Stadol around my 7th centimeter. It helped me to ride out the last of the contractions with out an epidural. Isabel was born at 9:45pm on Wednesday August 29th 2007. She was 6lbs and 7ozs. 19in long. And she just turned four months old a week or so back. So, alot has happened between then and now....
She's babbling, cooing, grabbing for her toys and trying to laugh. All in all, she's my world.

I'm also in a melancoly mood right now so please forgive me,,,
I'm actually not too sure why I've decided to come back, or if I should stay for that matter. It's all just too hard to keep up with. Having Isabel in my life is the most important thing right now and all else is a struggle. Not to mention the tattoo career and marriage that I've just started. But to try to keep this on a lighter note, I did mention Isabel.
Before i skipped out back in April/May, whenever, I was pregnant with a little girl. My honcho and I finally decided to name her Isabel Leigh. We actually were still debating on the name the day the doctors decided to induce my labor. It wasn't until she came out and I could see her in my husbands arms that I was for sure that Isabel was RIGHT for her. And for those of you that have asked and been curious... Zentex, ,my labor, other than being induced was pretty uneventful. I was induced in my 39th week because the fluid around the baby was getting too low. I was in labor about 8 hrs. and I ended up only wanting a half a shot of Stadol around my 7th centimeter. It helped me to ride out the last of the contractions with out an epidural. Isabel was born at 9:45pm on Wednesday August 29th 2007. She was 6lbs and 7ozs. 19in long. And she just turned four months old a week or so back. So, alot has happened between then and now....
She's babbling, cooing, grabbing for her toys and trying to laugh. All in all, she's my world.
i think we need some baby pics

Your set is still just one of the best ever. Aprons and lingerie, really, I think that's perfectly reasonable attire. Cheers and best with the new arrival.