Well, I know that you've all been waiting patiently for a response
and I will warn you this is not going to be a very good one content or length.
I have survived the holidays, thankfully. I am really glad that they are overwith. I mean I love the family time and good food and all but it's a really big interuption in my life. Having to fit all these extra things into the already full schedule is hard on me. Hopefully things will return to normal soon.
I did get what I wanted for Christmas though... my mother came over and helped me wallpaper my kitchen!!
It's almost done and I can't believe how much better I like the place. Maybe one day my house will no longer be a place that I feel uncomfortable in.
Oh, and a couple of last things before I go. My father is scheduled for his surgery next tuesday so if you pray... keep me and mine in your thoughts I do greatly appreceate it. Oh, and I go to the doctor today. It should be good but I'll fill you all in later.
I hope that you have all enjoyed your holidays!! Thank you for all the well wishes and such. And until next time...

I have survived the holidays, thankfully. I am really glad that they are overwith. I mean I love the family time and good food and all but it's a really big interuption in my life. Having to fit all these extra things into the already full schedule is hard on me. Hopefully things will return to normal soon.
I did get what I wanted for Christmas though... my mother came over and helped me wallpaper my kitchen!!

Oh, and a couple of last things before I go. My father is scheduled for his surgery next tuesday so if you pray... keep me and mine in your thoughts I do greatly appreceate it. Oh, and I go to the doctor today. It should be good but I'll fill you all in later.

People still wallpaper!?!? Bet that was fun.
It is kinda nice when things settle down from the holidays and return to normal. Hope your hospital visit wasn't too serious and I hope you dad's surgery goes smoothly as well.
I heart your set's lingerie. That should win "best of" in some SG category around here.