Wow, I like this... it's almost as if I don't have to think about this at all!!!
Except for the awnsers that is. So, here's how this will work, I'll type when I can and awnser as many of the comments as I can until they get to be too many to fit into one journal entry...(if that ever happens) And then I'll let the process evolve and expand and start all over again. Does that sound good to everyone? Here it goes:
hor: asks why am I not into Pet hair? Well, because it out numbers me that's why. I feel overwhelmed and overrun by the pet hair. No, I don't have any allergies to it and thank God!! But I do have two pets one of which is a large black and white Great Dane and the hair sometimes takes control of the house and won't let me watch T.V.
I just spend most of my time frentically cleaning it off of my bedspread and rugs.
And I take it back right now! No more DEMANDS from any one.
hor here has demanded one billion dollars and some cookies and I don't really think that I'll ever be able to deliver so, I'm out on the demands.
SoCalDrew: Why is my mom my hero? Well, I want to believe in the bottom of my heart that everyone out there holds there mom as their hero. But in all reality that may not be true for some people, but in my case I hold her as my hero because she has been such an example of strength in my life. She has been there through it all. And most importantly to me she has shown me through her example that women (or anyone for that matter) can accomplish anything that they set their minds to if only they just dedicate themselves to it and apply hard work. She taught me how to use a pocket knife at 9 and how to weld at 15.... and she's my best friend.
OlafTheTroll: This questions has taken a little different meaning since I have had a chance to read your story...
I really do have a sweet spot for domination. And I enjoyed the tale... when I recover I'll come back to read the rest. As for my actual breakfast tastes? Well, most of the time I can't seem to fit in a good breakfast. But here lately I've been enjoying a great cup of Kona PeaBerry coffee from Maui, Hawaii. Literally THE best coffee I have ever tasted. In my free time I love to Hike with Honcho and my dog, and of course get in a good road trip when ever I can. As far as the types of people I tend to hang out with... I'll give everyone a chance. But as far as that goes I am really empathetic and I don't have too many problems blending in and getting along with anyone.
DaveHidden: I have to say that the most useful thing that I have ever learned in my life so far seems to be my ability to empathise with people. It relaxes those that you don't know, allows conversations to flow a little easier and has gotten me far in every job that I have ever attempted. Having the ability to connect with people is pretty powerful. Aside from that inherent ability I have, I'd have to say WELDING. By far the most useful learned skill. Hell, I can make almost anything!!
Zentex: The apprenticeship is going pretty well. I should be tatooing myself within the next month. My teacher is showing me how to build a couple of machines of my own which is pretty cool. That way I can pretty much take care of the maintenence of my machines myself. Then I will get to start practicing on those who are willing! And the next set is already signed, sealed and delivered!! Lorelei and I shot a second set and I'm just waiting to hear back from SG.
Kaosmaker666: The story behind my tattoos is a long and winding one. I could probably devote an entire journal to it actually. The short story is that I had been going to Tattoo Charlie's in Lexington for several months and had gotten to know one of the artists there Matt Williamson. One night I had been taunting him about starting a dragon on my left side. He wasn't that busy so he just said 'put up or shut up' It was history from then on out. A little dragon on my left side turned into a large side piece that took 9 months to complete. After it was done we knew each other pretty well and I had become friends with his wife and so we started the right side koi fish project. Everything I have has a fairly deep personal meaning to me and I will leave that for another time but those initial months are what lead to our friendship. Matt soon started out on his own to build up his own shop and he had asked me to help. So, I helped in the building process of Electric Art Tattoo. I laid tile in the stations, helped his wife lay carpet, put up dry-wall and drank many a case of Bud Ice in the process. And now he has taken me on as his apprentice.
reshard: My typical day began this morning at 8 with me taking care of the 'Beast' as I so affectionately call her. Makalu takes up pretty much all of my time and attention... she's my baby. After she's been fed and taken out and all that we tend to go back to bed and nap for a bit. Then we get up and Check SG and sometimes MySpace, listening to my music. Today it's been Lyle Lovette and Ani Difranco. I quit my job today so none of that for awhile... I'm going back to welding with my mother next week. The rest of it usually gets gommed up with cleaning and taking care of the dog.
Nikonphoto80: This week so far has been hectic... like above I just quit my job at Applebees. But before today I had worked there and gone to the shop at every free time coming home at 11 and falling into bed exhausted. I hope to get my life into order soon. This week I have felt excited, because I have finally made the decision to focus on my drawing and improve myself for tattooing..
Twinkie: Another set is coming soon I promise...
Just put in a good word for me to all the right people. SG has the set I think, I'm just waiting to hear something.
Metaverse: Caving!! We just got back from Arizona in June and you're right the formations there were something else. Like nothing I've ever seen in my life. We actually went through Antelope Canyon. A super awsome slot canyon on Navajo land in Arizona. Supposedly the most photographic canyon in the world. Check it out!!
FearlessFreddy: I'd love to talk about my dog!!! She's really my most favorite thing and my companion. She's a yr old Harlequin Great Dane. Still a teen ager with lots of 'piss and vinagear' to her. Rowdy so to speak. She loves to hike with me. I'm pretty sure you'll hear all you want about my dog over time and probably more pictures
Until then what do you do? Thank profile picture you've got there is pretty interesting. Do you do construction?
Well, I'm spent! And hungry so it's off to lunch.

hor: asks why am I not into Pet hair? Well, because it out numbers me that's why. I feel overwhelmed and overrun by the pet hair. No, I don't have any allergies to it and thank God!! But I do have two pets one of which is a large black and white Great Dane and the hair sometimes takes control of the house and won't let me watch T.V.

And I take it back right now! No more DEMANDS from any one.

SoCalDrew: Why is my mom my hero? Well, I want to believe in the bottom of my heart that everyone out there holds there mom as their hero. But in all reality that may not be true for some people, but in my case I hold her as my hero because she has been such an example of strength in my life. She has been there through it all. And most importantly to me she has shown me through her example that women (or anyone for that matter) can accomplish anything that they set their minds to if only they just dedicate themselves to it and apply hard work. She taught me how to use a pocket knife at 9 and how to weld at 15.... and she's my best friend.
OlafTheTroll: This questions has taken a little different meaning since I have had a chance to read your story...

DaveHidden: I have to say that the most useful thing that I have ever learned in my life so far seems to be my ability to empathise with people. It relaxes those that you don't know, allows conversations to flow a little easier and has gotten me far in every job that I have ever attempted. Having the ability to connect with people is pretty powerful. Aside from that inherent ability I have, I'd have to say WELDING. By far the most useful learned skill. Hell, I can make almost anything!!
Zentex: The apprenticeship is going pretty well. I should be tatooing myself within the next month. My teacher is showing me how to build a couple of machines of my own which is pretty cool. That way I can pretty much take care of the maintenence of my machines myself. Then I will get to start practicing on those who are willing! And the next set is already signed, sealed and delivered!! Lorelei and I shot a second set and I'm just waiting to hear back from SG.
Kaosmaker666: The story behind my tattoos is a long and winding one. I could probably devote an entire journal to it actually. The short story is that I had been going to Tattoo Charlie's in Lexington for several months and had gotten to know one of the artists there Matt Williamson. One night I had been taunting him about starting a dragon on my left side. He wasn't that busy so he just said 'put up or shut up' It was history from then on out. A little dragon on my left side turned into a large side piece that took 9 months to complete. After it was done we knew each other pretty well and I had become friends with his wife and so we started the right side koi fish project. Everything I have has a fairly deep personal meaning to me and I will leave that for another time but those initial months are what lead to our friendship. Matt soon started out on his own to build up his own shop and he had asked me to help. So, I helped in the building process of Electric Art Tattoo. I laid tile in the stations, helped his wife lay carpet, put up dry-wall and drank many a case of Bud Ice in the process. And now he has taken me on as his apprentice.
reshard: My typical day began this morning at 8 with me taking care of the 'Beast' as I so affectionately call her. Makalu takes up pretty much all of my time and attention... she's my baby. After she's been fed and taken out and all that we tend to go back to bed and nap for a bit. Then we get up and Check SG and sometimes MySpace, listening to my music. Today it's been Lyle Lovette and Ani Difranco. I quit my job today so none of that for awhile... I'm going back to welding with my mother next week. The rest of it usually gets gommed up with cleaning and taking care of the dog.
Nikonphoto80: This week so far has been hectic... like above I just quit my job at Applebees. But before today I had worked there and gone to the shop at every free time coming home at 11 and falling into bed exhausted. I hope to get my life into order soon. This week I have felt excited, because I have finally made the decision to focus on my drawing and improve myself for tattooing..
Twinkie: Another set is coming soon I promise...

Metaverse: Caving!! We just got back from Arizona in June and you're right the formations there were something else. Like nothing I've ever seen in my life. We actually went through Antelope Canyon. A super awsome slot canyon on Navajo land in Arizona. Supposedly the most photographic canyon in the world. Check it out!!
FearlessFreddy: I'd love to talk about my dog!!! She's really my most favorite thing and my companion. She's a yr old Harlequin Great Dane. Still a teen ager with lots of 'piss and vinagear' to her. Rowdy so to speak. She loves to hike with me. I'm pretty sure you'll hear all you want about my dog over time and probably more pictures

Well, I'm spent! And hungry so it's off to lunch.
Oh poo! Now I feel like I ruined it for everyone.
Your pet hair response is too funny!! I mean, that kinda sucks, but it made me laugh.