The last few weeks have been pretty crazy! I went and pulled money out of my IRA to make a down payment on a house, and finally after waiting a week longer than I thought I would have to, the check came in the mail. I deposited that yesterday since I couldn't make it to the bank before close on Friday. Got denied for my $40 day at the plasma donation place so I was upset about that! Buuuut it's nothing more than the last couple for my lady, she's had it pretty darn rough. about two weeks ago she got into a minor fender bender because of some glare black ice. Then about 4 days later she had a guy pull right out in front of her and she couldn't even react before hitting him! Car totaled. Second car in 8 months. First one was back in June I think and a tree fell on it during a storm. She didn't have insurance at the time either. so totaled car, didn't find a new car until a couple months later, and now, the GAP insurance she paid for, is slowing down the process of getting a new loan from the same place this time! So frustrating! It's hard for me to listen to how frustrated she is, and not really be able to help her besides just being there for her.
Here is her St. Patricks day display featuring Kerrygold Irish cheeses at her store! It also included the new store brand butter, irish soda bread, and some fancy cookies.
She is the imported cheese specialist at Kowalskis, just a different location than where I work.
Pretty good work if you ask me!
She STILL doesn't have a car that's HERS but the dealership is being super nice and giving her a car to use in the mean time until the GAP insurance goes through and she can get into a decent car. Hope you're all well!