Finally got some damn sleep. Last week was really long and draining.
Didnt end up going to pdx to the party. By the time saturday afternoon came around I was completely exhausted and sick. So I slept. for a long ass time.
Looks like the only plans for today are going to get more tattoo work done.
Its raining here right now. Feels really nice. In a few months everyone here will just be bitching constantly about the rain. But its definately welcome right now.
Any of you have tattoo's in progress at the moment? or just in the planning stages?
Didnt end up going to pdx to the party. By the time saturday afternoon came around I was completely exhausted and sick. So I slept. for a long ass time.

Looks like the only plans for today are going to get more tattoo work done.
Its raining here right now. Feels really nice. In a few months everyone here will just be bitching constantly about the rain. But its definately welcome right now.
Any of you have tattoo's in progress at the moment? or just in the planning stages?

How old are you? 22
Whats your sign, baby? Gemini
Whats the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Open up my eyes. Look around, make sure it's my own bed I am in.
Whats the last thing you do before you go to sleep? Sigh when my warm body hits those cold sheets.
How often do you brush your teeth? In the morning and in the evening.
Is that your natural color on your head? Of course not.
Its 2:14pm on a Friday afternoon, where are you most likely to be? At work.
They say that men speak 15,000 words a day and that women speak 30,000 which category do you fall in? Both actually. I speak a good 50,000 a day easily.
Assuming your single (pretend if your not) you spot a random hottie in a bar/club, whats the first thing you do to get her attention? Depending on how much liquor I have in my system I'll walk right up to them and tell them that I just love to make out with hot people.
Do you smoke? No.
Whats your favorite tv show? (Yes pick just one) BUFFY!
Whats on your mouse pad right now? Don't have.
Whats your backround picture of your computer? (pictures are appericated)
What kind of kicks you got on? Red fuzzy steve madden slippers.
Whats your closet addiction? *whispers* I like Britney Spears music.
Whats your guilty pleasure? Oregon Chai and Buffy memorabilia.
Look down at your nose (yes go cross-eyed) can you see the tip of your nose? No. I have small features.
Whats your occupation? I work in a deli.
Look around your room, describe it for me? I'm in my kitchenette, my computer is atop the dining room table. There is a washing machine behind me and a cooler and a couple of 12 pack of diet coke next to me.
In the last 24 hours how many times have you said fuck? At least 5 times.
If you had 24 hours left to live how would you spend it? Spend it with the most important thing in the world to me. My mom. And Cinco of course.
What website do you go to usually at least 2,3 times on a given day? &
Whats your body mods? (or do you have some planned) A tattoo on my right shoulder praying, and my tongue pirecing. And yes I have more tattoos planned, my work is retarded and made me take out all of my facial pirecings.
If I were your cellphone/beeper, where would I be right now? Can you call it? I think it's lost in my room somewhere.
Its 2:14am on a Friday morning, where are you most likely to be? Asleep of course, I work early Saturday mornings, but Saturday 2:14, I'd probably be just getting into bed.
If you could change one thing about yourself (inner/outer) what would it be? My breasts, they are totally not proportionate with my body type.
How honestly did you answer these randomly chosen questions? I love honesty, it builds a relationship amongst people, so pretty damn honest.