Busted my ass all day today, now its time to relax a little and maybe get some damn sleep. The lady is supposed to call and wake me up tommorrow so lets hope it isnt too early. Fuck if I know how things are going to go with her.
Dont you hate liking someone more than you really should?
Unless you are some other super cute lady that can deal with my ass, go ahead and wish me best of luck. If you are a super cutie who thinks you can deal with my ass. be sure to pass that info my way.
*edit* I am actually not very hard to deal with at all just so you know.
Dont you hate liking someone more than you really should?
Unless you are some other super cute lady that can deal with my ass, go ahead and wish me best of luck. If you are a super cutie who thinks you can deal with my ass. be sure to pass that info my way.
*edit* I am actually not very hard to deal with at all just so you know.
lets suck at bowling together!
Nic just keeps telling me soon. It's actually becoming a rather large joke amoungst us now.