Four months since I last updated this thing. In that time a lot has has happened and gone down. Once again I moved back to Coudersport. At the moment I am living with my grandparents until I save some money and figure out where and what I want to do. I went on tour for half of both November and December. Got to see alot...
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I'm now living in Conneticut. I am looking into colleges now, and bands that need roadies. I am heading out on the road with the dude from Eight Fingers down in November. It will be awsome.
I'm done with school, and I'm back in Couderport for a little while. On the 19th I'm moving to Conneticut and getting a fucking job. Nothing else is really up, nothing new.!
Hell yes! I'm from S-town. I recognize you, from shows and such.
For the past two weeks i have been in the shitty town of Coudersport, PA and alot has happened! My mom get proposed too, i find out my grandma has lukemia, i travel more then 2,000 miles incluiding two trips to erie one to auburn on to bath three to olean and about 600 miles just riding around this shit hole, i made some awsome...
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So I leave Tues. for Pittsburgh, but until then i dont have school or work so I spend my life cleaning house or sitting online. So Im looking for new people to chat with get at me if your interested.