So I'm in the process of applying to teachers college. So far I've applied to Toronto and York, and I'll probably be applying to UBC later, since the application date is a month and a half after the Ontario ones.
I'm hoping I get into Toronto, since I miss living there and I really want to move back. It'd probably be expensive, but apparently two of my former roomates will also be applying to UofT, so we could probably get a place together. Is there a lot of three bedroom apartments?
I might also apply to a place or two for a phd position, I'm just not sure if I want to go that route. It would be 4 more years in school, then years of postdoc positions, then the slim chance at getting one of the few prof positions out there. I kinda want to get in a career already and get my adult life going. Feels like school is some kind of limbo now.
I signed up for the secret santa thing on reddit. Kind of excited to see what some random person I don't know mails me, and also excited to pick out something ridiculous and mail it to someone I don't know.
I'm hoping I get into Toronto, since I miss living there and I really want to move back. It'd probably be expensive, but apparently two of my former roomates will also be applying to UofT, so we could probably get a place together. Is there a lot of three bedroom apartments?
I might also apply to a place or two for a phd position, I'm just not sure if I want to go that route. It would be 4 more years in school, then years of postdoc positions, then the slim chance at getting one of the few prof positions out there. I kinda want to get in a career already and get my adult life going. Feels like school is some kind of limbo now.
I signed up for the secret santa thing on reddit. Kind of excited to see what some random person I don't know mails me, and also excited to pick out something ridiculous and mail it to someone I don't know.
I will confirm it and get back to you.
(As for myself, I am thinking of dressing up like Red Green. Haha.)