So the other day I was at Vinyl here in Guelph, where they have $2 drinks. I pretty much only go there for that, cause I fucking hate top 40 and that's all they usually play. Some songs I can stand but for the most part I hate it. I'll still dance to it and have a good time, but you know.
BUT that night they actually played Don't Stop Believing by Journey, followed by Enter Sandman by Metallica, then Nirvana after that, so that was pretty kickass. I rocked out pretty hard to Metallica. After that they went back to top 40, but I was still happy.
Anyways, since it was $2 drinks I got pretty drunk and while we were stumbling home I decided I had to pee. I was behind my friends and I angled off to pee in some trees while they kept going not seeing where I went. The trees were right beside this river that runs through Guelph. I wanted to go behind the trees so cars didn't see me, but when I went to step through some bushes my foot hit nothing and next thing I know I'm laying on my side on the ground with the wind knocked out of me. Turns out there was a 6 foot drop all along the river that I forgot about.
My friends realized I was gone and after a minute of calling out my name I got my wind back and called out to them. When they got to the ledge and looked down they saw me peeing against a tree. Yeah, mission accomplished.
My ribs hurt a lot the next day, but that was about it. Pretty lucky, if I had been less drunk I would probably have had the instinct to put my arm out to break my fall, which would have snapped my arm for sure. But I guess if I was less drunk I also wouldn't have been an idiot and swan-dived off a ledge.
BUT that night they actually played Don't Stop Believing by Journey, followed by Enter Sandman by Metallica, then Nirvana after that, so that was pretty kickass. I rocked out pretty hard to Metallica. After that they went back to top 40, but I was still happy.
Anyways, since it was $2 drinks I got pretty drunk and while we were stumbling home I decided I had to pee. I was behind my friends and I angled off to pee in some trees while they kept going not seeing where I went. The trees were right beside this river that runs through Guelph. I wanted to go behind the trees so cars didn't see me, but when I went to step through some bushes my foot hit nothing and next thing I know I'm laying on my side on the ground with the wind knocked out of me. Turns out there was a 6 foot drop all along the river that I forgot about.
My friends realized I was gone and after a minute of calling out my name I got my wind back and called out to them. When they got to the ledge and looked down they saw me peeing against a tree. Yeah, mission accomplished.
My ribs hurt a lot the next day, but that was about it. Pretty lucky, if I had been less drunk I would probably have had the instinct to put my arm out to break my fall, which would have snapped my arm for sure. But I guess if I was less drunk I also wouldn't have been an idiot and swan-dived off a ledge.
Well done, sir. On all accounts.