Due to an incredible amount of excitement over this. I have decided to make a pin-up calendar for the 2008 Year. The photo sessions will be going on starting May 13th, and will continue on through the summer. I am collaborating with Gary Goldus of Torchlight Photography and Jessica Hartigan. We will be looking to donate a good portion of the money to a reputable charity. Hopefully a cancer research charity. I will need help on this project. So far, I have 9 models interested. I will be looking for more. I'm not going to limit this to 12 models. If we end up with too many, we'll make 2 calendars and sell the second one as the 2009 Calendar, which proceeds to that one will also go to charity. I am hoping to make this a yearly thing. And am hoping to be able to increase donations to charity every year. I will need makeup artists, stylists, cosmotologists, photographers, printers, models, set designers, and artists all willing to donate their time. Remember, this will be for a good cause. I'd also like to donate the money in the name of a little boy who's story has touched my heart. I will refrain from linking to his mother's blog until I have permission, and until we have more details on how this is actually going to work. I'm really excited to get started on this. Please, if anyone has any information or any ideas on how to set this up, or any place where we can shoot, or any ideas at all they want to share, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share them with me. I am looking foreward to working with all of you, and thank you to all of you who have replied so far, for your eagerness to participate in this!<br>