First off to the most recent thread. And I quote
I want to know who the FUCK thinks this is important enough to put in the news wire?!?!?!
Answer: Anything you find published on the news wire is there because an EDITOR put it up. I am an editor. I surf the web looking/researching stories to WRITE about for the fucking news wire. I do it on free time. Its not like i get paid. So until you get off yr lazy ass to write anything, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
[edit to clarify: this isn't just about the limp bizkit story]
Do you assholes realize how RUDE you are? If you said shit like that to me in person i'd punch you right in yr fucking throat.
I'm so fed up with how inconsiderate some people on this site are.
NOT EVERYONE HAS THE SAME TASTE AS YOU! Yr not better because the stuff you like isn't mainstream or whatever yr reasoning is.
THERE ARE NOT INTERESTING STORIES ON BANDS YOU LOVE ALL THE TIME. which is why bands "nobody cares about" get stories written about them. I could care less if you bash the bands the story is about. I don't like everyone i write about. But don't be a prick saying you'd rather read a story about the hangnail you have or the last time yr scratched yr balls. There is a reason yr not an editor. Its cos yr a jackass.
This is my last post for a while, if this applies to you - i'm sure you can figure it out. Tho my friends list is in the clear.
I love you guys
you shouldn't even have to say all that stuff.
i miss youuuuuu