Once i finally got to sleep last night, i had the most strange dream EVER.
I'll leave out the beginning cos i dont really remember when it started or too many of the details (i was floating around on a surf board while some rappers played pinball - i dont know. dont ask.). But the last part
there was this Evil Billy Corgan zombie thing that Cory Feldman & Cory Haim had just killed (hmm one would think i watched Lost Boys and listened to SP before i went to sleep. Tis not the case). For whatever reason the Corgan zombie was sitting in a chair at my dining room table. Dead. or however dead a zombie can be.
So the Corys were bragging about their kill and all of a sudden the corgan zombie started to sing Disarm. I alerted the corys to this and ran outside where i waited for jeremyface (yeah you were in it too!) to meet me. Then my grandmother came out of the front door, asked me where something was and went back inside like there was no evil billy corgan zombie in the dining room.
So now i ask you, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT?!!?
I dont even like the smashing pumpkins!
Philadelphia. Me + you + 17th. ITS ON!
I'll leave out the beginning cos i dont really remember when it started or too many of the details (i was floating around on a surf board while some rappers played pinball - i dont know. dont ask.). But the last part
there was this Evil Billy Corgan zombie thing that Cory Feldman & Cory Haim had just killed (hmm one would think i watched Lost Boys and listened to SP before i went to sleep. Tis not the case). For whatever reason the Corgan zombie was sitting in a chair at my dining room table. Dead. or however dead a zombie can be.
So the Corys were bragging about their kill and all of a sudden the corgan zombie started to sing Disarm. I alerted the corys to this and ran outside where i waited for jeremyface (yeah you were in it too!) to meet me. Then my grandmother came out of the front door, asked me where something was and went back inside like there was no evil billy corgan zombie in the dining room.
So now i ask you, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT?!!?
I dont even like the smashing pumpkins!

Philadelphia. Me + you + 17th. ITS ON!
haahaha. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox love
very detailed pictorial rendering tho. i giggled.