Spare minute update time!
Roller Derby: I've been drafted! The newest member of the Elm City Bone Crushers. Yes.
I also pimped my ride. I got new wheels (lime green fugatives!) & bearings, and switched my toe stops with my bf's. Which i trip over from time to time.
We went to the book store on the way back from the skating rink yesterday and picked up The Mole People since the boyfriend has been talking it up for quite some time, and quite frankly its fucking freaky. I know its been out for years already, but if yr at all interested in the homeless population that lives in the city below the streets of New York, you may want to check it out. I started reading it last night, which wasn't a good idea since I have yet to finish the other book I was in the middle of (Boy Detective Fails). On Friday the boyfriend suprised me with two things. The first was Only Revolutions (Mark Z. Danielewski - who wrote House of Leaves
). The second was the fact that Mark is reading from his new book in New Haven some Monday soon. YES!!!
So much shit to read, no time. Its horrible.
My cat is meowing to his wire tie. They've become the best of friends over the past few months.
Roller Derby: I've been drafted! The newest member of the Elm City Bone Crushers. Yes.
I also pimped my ride. I got new wheels (lime green fugatives!) & bearings, and switched my toe stops with my bf's. Which i trip over from time to time.
We went to the book store on the way back from the skating rink yesterday and picked up The Mole People since the boyfriend has been talking it up for quite some time, and quite frankly its fucking freaky. I know its been out for years already, but if yr at all interested in the homeless population that lives in the city below the streets of New York, you may want to check it out. I started reading it last night, which wasn't a good idea since I have yet to finish the other book I was in the middle of (Boy Detective Fails). On Friday the boyfriend suprised me with two things. The first was Only Revolutions (Mark Z. Danielewski - who wrote House of Leaves

So much shit to read, no time. Its horrible.
My cat is meowing to his wire tie. They've become the best of friends over the past few months.
I found that what's helped for me is a couple of sessions with an Artistic skate coach. We have one at our home rink that charges $5 a head for a session and is really thorough. I walked out a much different skater than I walked in, just on the first session.