wow i go out, leave my cell at home and i have 10 missed calls. 5 new voice mails.
Stefanie called to tell me the distillers are playing at CBGBs on the 24th for $5.00....FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS. how killer is that?
and she wants to drive down to DC for theSTART show. hmmm *does happy dance*
i love this chick.
my grandma is sick so im gonna have to spend the majority of the day with her tomorrow.
and everyone i know has been needing some serious cheering upness. well mostly kelly.
so to all the sad folks out there i say CHEER THE FUCK UP .
i love you.
....gotta call Stef...
Stefanie called to tell me the distillers are playing at CBGBs on the 24th for $5.00....FIVE FUCKING DOLLARS. how killer is that?
and she wants to drive down to DC for theSTART show. hmmm *does happy dance*
i love this chick.
my grandma is sick so im gonna have to spend the majority of the day with her tomorrow.
and everyone i know has been needing some serious cheering upness. well mostly kelly.
so to all the sad folks out there i say CHEER THE FUCK UP .
i love you.
....gotta call Stef...
*sharing the love, indeed*