The sky's illumination comes from the city below
And i can TASTE every inch of yr KISS
every inch of yr SOUL from over here...
Do you feel FAITH or do you feel FEAR?
- mi ruina
harassing phone calls SUCK by the way. stupid boys and their not taking no for an answer. i dont get it.
and to quote miss b again "what part of no don't you fucking understand, prick?"
and the testimonials you guys left were the best ever.
i love you guys. oh and Stormy, to answer yr question, YES! hehe
And thanks to uncle pussy i've got new internet crack. CraigsList. So if i start neglecting SG, go bug UnclePussy about it, cos its ALL his fault.
And i can TASTE every inch of yr KISS
every inch of yr SOUL from over here...
Do you feel FAITH or do you feel FEAR?
- mi ruina
harassing phone calls SUCK by the way. stupid boys and their not taking no for an answer. i dont get it.
and to quote miss b again "what part of no don't you fucking understand, prick?"
and the testimonials you guys left were the best ever.
And thanks to uncle pussy i've got new internet crack. CraigsList. So if i start neglecting SG, go bug UnclePussy about it, cos its ALL his fault.
I had that kinda same thing happen to me with the no... but I was the guy persisting.. I thought persitance would show confidence which is what this girl had told me I lacked and what would make me real attractive. So I feigned confidence for her sake and she thought I was creepy and told people I was stalking her.
-word yo...i was at school yesterday, but i'll defintely call you today (if you're lucky) ![tongue](