the comedian last night was really good.
i got hit on by some kid who i think was drunk - he had to have been. i looked like shiiiiiiiit last night
im hungry.
there is no human food and no kitty food in my house.
that means the humans and the kittys will soon start to eat eachother.
Someone should bring me breakfast/lunch. Its at a time where it could be either for me.
I really dont think i want my job back. There are more cons than pros. The only pro is that theres a paycheck every other friday. Its not a good paycheck tho - but its bling bling none the less.
I dont know if i should def take it (and be miserable/sick) while i'm there or not take it and look for another job.
Suggestions? Comments? anyone? pleasssssssse
i got hit on by some kid who i think was drunk - he had to have been. i looked like shiiiiiiiit last night
im hungry.
there is no human food and no kitty food in my house.
that means the humans and the kittys will soon start to eat eachother.
Someone should bring me breakfast/lunch. Its at a time where it could be either for me.
I really dont think i want my job back. There are more cons than pros. The only pro is that theres a paycheck every other friday. Its not a good paycheck tho - but its bling bling none the less.
I dont know if i should def take it (and be miserable/sick) while i'm there or not take it and look for another job.
Suggestions? Comments? anyone? pleasssssssse