so I'm off to SF, LA , Vancouver and then NY, before a return to London in a week. So this week I had so many meetings about so many varying opportunities, I started to do a SWOT analysis today just to assess who to email back 1st. Wow.
Seriously though, I had dinner last night with one of my two leading contenders.. Frankly he is 50% of the reason for my being interested in the opportunity, but over dinner and conversation we began to re-frame the opportunity from what was, before dinner, the trailing opportunity, into what is now the leading opportunity.
This crossroads is so strange. One opportunity is 100% strategic, plan, do deals, spar, think, explore and it includes the opportunity to have a MAJOR effect on something which will change the face of the net and media for the next few years, if we didn't screw it up. More importantly it involves working with great people who I really like and I feel like I could really make a difference.
The 2nd opportunity, which until now was way ahead and is now in a dead heat, is the polar opposite in terms of tactical job scope and details, but is just as interesting. It's the chance to go into and build a company, inside another company. Actually two companies, though they don't know that yet. The Existing company is a well run, wonderful company and I feel like i could bring a lot of value and frankly learn a lot from the folks who are there. Again the person I would work for, even though we haven't spent as much time together as #1 is a good person and I like and feel like it'd be a great team.
While I've been with my wife since my 20's, this feels akin to my pre-Tavin dating many women at once stage. I'm quite fickle at this moment. The thing is - I feel like this decision will re-frame the remainder of my life, changing what doors open for me and what doors close. I'm at an age where I have to think about not just this door, but the next three and what I want them to be. It's a hard choice.
The good news: Either opportunity would be amazing for my family and allow me to see them more, though one is stronger in this capacity than the other (of course it's the one that pays less! - aaach) Both involve good people and good companies, no sketchiness. Each has it's negatives, of course, but they are really more challenges to be overcome, within myself and within the organizations. Strangest of all, neither of them is a start-up, which will surprise a lot of people.
I'm having breakfast this a.m. with someone about the big super-secret-world-destroying start-up idea I have. It's the dark horse in the race. Some days it feels like a complete windmill tilt, others I feel like it's a real chance to change the world. What I can't decide is my reticence due to self-preserving prudence, or feel of failure.
Lastly, I agreed, today, to take an advisory role (being defined) with a company to help them raise money.This company recycles electronics goods, computers, laptops, whatever. What's interesting about them is they are a 100% green business without them all of this stuff goes into landfills. They step in, refurbish and re-market 70-80% of the stuff and dismantle and scrap (no landfill 100% reuse) the remainder. It's literally a junk into gold business model. More about this as I help them craft the pitch. - this isn't a gig, just something I'm doing on the side, because, as my friend and I agreed this week, "Its something I can do, its a good thing to do, and it's good that the thing will be done."
ps - next post will have some data on the next film, Isle of the Mysts, which started prep in Vancouver this week!
Seriously though, I had dinner last night with one of my two leading contenders.. Frankly he is 50% of the reason for my being interested in the opportunity, but over dinner and conversation we began to re-frame the opportunity from what was, before dinner, the trailing opportunity, into what is now the leading opportunity.
This crossroads is so strange. One opportunity is 100% strategic, plan, do deals, spar, think, explore and it includes the opportunity to have a MAJOR effect on something which will change the face of the net and media for the next few years, if we didn't screw it up. More importantly it involves working with great people who I really like and I feel like I could really make a difference.
The 2nd opportunity, which until now was way ahead and is now in a dead heat, is the polar opposite in terms of tactical job scope and details, but is just as interesting. It's the chance to go into and build a company, inside another company. Actually two companies, though they don't know that yet. The Existing company is a well run, wonderful company and I feel like i could bring a lot of value and frankly learn a lot from the folks who are there. Again the person I would work for, even though we haven't spent as much time together as #1 is a good person and I like and feel like it'd be a great team.
While I've been with my wife since my 20's, this feels akin to my pre-Tavin dating many women at once stage. I'm quite fickle at this moment. The thing is - I feel like this decision will re-frame the remainder of my life, changing what doors open for me and what doors close. I'm at an age where I have to think about not just this door, but the next three and what I want them to be. It's a hard choice.
The good news: Either opportunity would be amazing for my family and allow me to see them more, though one is stronger in this capacity than the other (of course it's the one that pays less! - aaach) Both involve good people and good companies, no sketchiness. Each has it's negatives, of course, but they are really more challenges to be overcome, within myself and within the organizations. Strangest of all, neither of them is a start-up, which will surprise a lot of people.
I'm having breakfast this a.m. with someone about the big super-secret-world-destroying start-up idea I have. It's the dark horse in the race. Some days it feels like a complete windmill tilt, others I feel like it's a real chance to change the world. What I can't decide is my reticence due to self-preserving prudence, or feel of failure.
Lastly, I agreed, today, to take an advisory role (being defined) with a company to help them raise money.This company recycles electronics goods, computers, laptops, whatever. What's interesting about them is they are a 100% green business without them all of this stuff goes into landfills. They step in, refurbish and re-market 70-80% of the stuff and dismantle and scrap (no landfill 100% reuse) the remainder. It's literally a junk into gold business model. More about this as I help them craft the pitch. - this isn't a gig, just something I'm doing on the side, because, as my friend and I agreed this week, "Its something I can do, its a good thing to do, and it's good that the thing will be done."
ps - next post will have some data on the next film, Isle of the Mysts, which started prep in Vancouver this week!
that is a lot to have on your plate, hang in there