sorry it's been so long since I posted. { insert long string of excuses } mostly I've been traveling. In fact in 10 days I've been in; Vilnius Lithuania, London, NY and Los Angeles to name a few places, that doesn't even include the stop-over in salt lake when my jetblue flight ran out of gas !!!
So it looks like we're ready to go make the films. its that last stage where everybody starts trying to swipe the last piece of garlic bread (oblique reference to real live event from dinner tonight); but we'll finish and do the deal. whew.
As for creative; the work is going great. here's some conceptual work on the banshee. (just a test from our makeup folks - but fun)
We are casting right now; which is always fun. Should have a session next week. also prepping to go to Vilnius to scout, etc. Also fun is a screening this week of Who Killed the Electric Car, here in London. I'll be there and might even do a q & a. Screening in London March 19 - if you are around by a ticket and come see.
On the personal front, I've been mostly better, going to LA was quite therapeutic. I saw my dog Darwin at the dog park with bigdaddyfix, met up with some peoples to clean up some messes. Had sushi Saturday night with the LOVELY Summer Glau (pssst. she's the Terminator in the new TV series of the same name). Had Mexican food five times and even got hit on by a waitress; no really for real. It was at the Roosevelt where I stayed my last night in town and I was actually flattered by it.
I saw the 300 too; which was Fucking GREAT! I loved it. Felt like rebuilding a trans am afterwards.
Then I went to NY; where I stayed with my friend Jason Fiber, who a lot of you know. It was great to see him, and his cute friend Mae who was staying with him as well. In another life (pre-marriage) the thought of a cute asian girl sleeping in her undies in the living room would have just driven me insane. Actually, it still did.
I went out with Jason one night to see a band, Plan B (actually it's just a guy) they share a record label with The Streets and some of their influences. Think if you mixed The Streets, Rage Against the Machine and Tracey Chapman (acoustic guitar and a really beautiful voice). They were actually one of the highlights of my trip. we all went out for food afterwards on the lower east side and I regaled everyone with tales of my old rock and roll days. It was great.
Then back to London to my girls, I couldn't WAIT to see them. they are so amazing. It was my daughters birthday and I bought her:
- pop-up Cinderella book
- fairy tea set with basket
- strange fake jewelry which she wore all day
- t-shirt that says "drama queen"
my youngest got a t-shirt describing her as daddy's little head banger and a magic fairy wand (not her birthday but you have to do it or fights break-out.)
It's my birthday this week, so maybe I'll get something...
ok all well, next post will hopefully be from location on the film!