1st off Who Killed the Electric Car? which, unless you have been sleeping under a rock you know is my most recent film I produced, is doing great.. but theatrical attendence fell off BIG time last week. I NEED HELP GETTING PEOPLE TO GO SEE IT!
2nd off - (warning 2nd shameless self-promotional bit in own blog, skip ahead if sensative) our film, On_line which premiered at Sundance a few years ago, is now available on Google Video or on-line as it were.. man that seems like the worst pun ever.
anyways, hi all
So its official. we're homeless!
empty house, i'm in a hotel in W. Hollywood till sunday and running around prepping to be gone in Europe, Bucharest and London till November. I'll be looking for a house and an aparment (really in reverse order) prepping the films, etc. etc.
it's weird knowing I'm not gonna have mexican food or an Urth latte for a while. kind of whigging me out.
Severus showed me this site that lets you make a map of all the Places I've been
I think I might have forgotten a few gonna try it as an image too SEE COMMENT
lastly bigdaddyfix and I are likely gonna stop by sgla drinks this week just to say hi.
see any of you then!

1st off Who Killed the Electric Car? which, unless you have been sleeping under a rock you know is my most recent film I produced, is doing great.. but theatrical attendence fell off BIG time last week. I NEED HELP GETTING PEOPLE TO GO SEE IT!
2nd off - (warning 2nd shameless self-promotional bit in own blog, skip ahead if sensative) our film, On_line which premiered at Sundance a few years ago, is now available on Google Video or on-line as it were.. man that seems like the worst pun ever.
anyways, hi all
So its official. we're homeless!
empty house, i'm in a hotel in W. Hollywood till sunday and running around prepping to be gone in Europe, Bucharest and London till November. I'll be looking for a house and an aparment (really in reverse order) prepping the films, etc. etc.
it's weird knowing I'm not gonna have mexican food or an Urth latte for a while. kind of whigging me out.
Severus showed me this site that lets you make a map of all the Places I've been
I think I might have forgotten a few gonna try it as an image too SEE COMMENT
lastly bigdaddyfix and I are likely gonna stop by sgla drinks this week just to say hi.
see any of you then!

I want to be in your movie!!!
Let me know if you ever plan on filming one in Portland.
How's the family?