I have this really really long story in my mind, that I've been thinking about for perhaps close to two years now. I have characters, places, everything! I mean, in my mind this is one hell of an in depth novel. And every once in a while I look through all the notes I've jotted, or the sketches I've doodled and thik, "You know, I should try to sit down and start writing this thing." But then the words, even though I know the whole story in my head, just never come to me. It's so frustrating. I wonder is this has happened to past budding literature greats, or if I'm just another would-be writer.
As a writer, it sounds like you have too much information to decide where to start. Personally, when I have a huge project, I break it into pieces. I'm sure you'll be fine if you just sit down and start writing.
it's natural and normal to keep second guessing what you've written and how you've done it. a lot of creative types are like that - I don't know if you're that insecure with your art, but maybe because you've gotten to a comfortable place with that, starting something new as a novice is a vulnerable place to be. good luck putting it all together!