What a crazy word/idea. "Getting your hopes up". I try to never get my hopes up. Why? When you expect the least from a person and/or situation and it fails you, youre not disappointed because you didnt expect anything. If it suprises you cause it followed through, it will make you smile. I like to keep my expectations low. I hate getting worked up over a situation or a person, and having those expectations (hopes) dashes and destroyed.
Hope. Yeah right.
What a crazy word/idea. "Getting your hopes up". I try to never get my hopes up. Why? When you expect the least from a person and/or situation and it fails you, youre not disappointed because you didnt expect anything. If it suprises you cause it followed through, it will make you smile. I like to keep my expectations low. I hate getting worked up over a situation or a person, and having those expectations (hopes) dashes and destroyed.
Hope. Yeah right.
When you expect the least from a person and/or situation and it fails you, youre not disappointed because you didnt expect anything. If it suprises you cause it followed through, it will make you smile
yeah thats sooo true...
but sometimes... i wish to have that hope... u know like think everything is going to be the way u want...but i refuse to do it cos... i dont want to feel as a fool... lol
deep inside we hope... a bit