Hello lovelies!
I'm going to blog about what I've been doing lately!
I'm currently working on my first novel that I want to actually get published! This is very exciting for me because usually I don't keep writing at something. I stop after one sitting with it and start something new- but this one, I've been working on for the past three days!
It's exciting. I'm researching everything I can about getting published within the genre I've chosen, writing to favorite authors of mine for advice/mentorshipness and I'm just having fun on this journey of writing.
This is just an exciting and lovely time for me and I'm starting to realize why authors have such a fantastic time with their first novels!
It's a bit scary, too, though, because I want everyone to love it as much as I do! But I guess the fact that I enjoy it should be enough for now seeing as I am my only audience and will continue to be so until this lovely book is finished!
And that is what I have been working on as of late!
School isn't going to be happening at this point in life for me. Maybe when I'm older and more stable in what I want to be, I'll go back to it. I don't know, honestly. All I know is, I'm working hard with what I do want to do.
I'm going to blog about what I've been doing lately!
I'm currently working on my first novel that I want to actually get published! This is very exciting for me because usually I don't keep writing at something. I stop after one sitting with it and start something new- but this one, I've been working on for the past three days!

This is just an exciting and lovely time for me and I'm starting to realize why authors have such a fantastic time with their first novels!

It's a bit scary, too, though, because I want everyone to love it as much as I do! But I guess the fact that I enjoy it should be enough for now seeing as I am my only audience and will continue to be so until this lovely book is finished!
And that is what I have been working on as of late!
School isn't going to be happening at this point in life for me. Maybe when I'm older and more stable in what I want to be, I'll go back to it. I don't know, honestly. All I know is, I'm working hard with what I do want to do.

I have the same problem. I'll sit on an idea and think about it for weeks, to the point where I feel like it's all ready written, but then I have to actually write it, and I get bored and move on.
Maybe I should write as I think as opposed to keeping so much in my head.