As many of you know (ie anyone who follows my blog!) I'm moving to Chicago officially July 20th.
Well. Okay here's the deal.
I still need money to be able to survive when I get there. Money OR a roommate. I already have a place signed for and whatnot. But it's groceries and furniture (I'm going back with just a suitcase of clothes and some books and my laptop and iPod) that's killing me. And I can't find a job to save my life here.
What happened at Ross?
I'll tell you.
So, they were supposed to call me and tell me my schedule.
They never called.
Then they called and bitched that I didn't show up or call.
So, I was going to get fired unless I quit.
So pissy.
I'm starting a fund.
It's fully for groceries and stuff like that.
ohsay_anything@yahoo.com is my e-mail for paypal.
If any of you donate even a dollar, I'd be appreciative so much. And if there's anything I can do for you, just tell me.
You don't have to donate. There's other things you can donate for that is totally worth it. Literacy sites have always had my support. But if you just feel it. Then thank you. :]
PS- if someone totally wants to buy my laptop off of me, I'd be willing to sell it for $100 or best offer.
It works.
It just has some of my shit on it that I can't figure out how to take off like MSN messenger. It has microsoft office on it, too.
Good luck with the move and fundraising! If you baked cupcakes as cute as those, I would most definitely pay big money for lots and lots of them!