wel i didnt get the job, and im absolutly gutted
i feel like im getting no where, and it seems as if im never going to get a job. but i suppose ive got to take a postive note out of it and say its there loss.
ive bin quite busy in the past few days designing a new layout for a band called
PAYTON! check it out, its all bright and colourfull
tomorrow is london convention, im sooooo excited, me and galda are staying with miro and aiden_awaits its gonna be awesome.
ive got alot of money to spend on a new tattoo so im happy, should hopefull get the bottom half of my second sleeve finished
and ill get to meet loads of hot sgs

ive bin quite busy in the past few days designing a new layout for a band called
PAYTON! check it out, its all bright and colourfull
tomorrow is london convention, im sooooo excited, me and galda are staying with miro and aiden_awaits its gonna be awesome.
ive got alot of money to spend on a new tattoo so im happy, should hopefull get the bottom half of my second sleeve finished

and ill get to meet loads of hot sgs

baaabe, get a picture of your new sexy tattoo up
oh, and i'm online, you should be too
i love you x x x

hey, i aint no whimp! i just... er... they were all busy...