so i'm about fed up with district managers and playing silly corporate games. i really need to do something where i am my own boss. if anyone feels like donating some money toward paying off my credit card and car loan and ultimately bringing me closer to my goals that would be totally rad of you. i want to open my own clothing store featuring punk, goth, psychobilly fashion and accessories with a DIY flare. i'd do all kinds of cool shit too like support local bands by making and carrying their t-shirts, and sponsoring shows, roller derby, and burlesque troupes, maybe even carry SG merch if possible...
oh well, someday
oh well, someday
thats a pretty wierd one ill have to try that. but im not a vegie so i can have chicken wings! sorry dude. i like the store idea, need an employee?
well when it does exsist let me know, im down for that idea. need a bussiness partner? haha