work (the job i hate, not the fun job) i take calls from customers from all over the country from all walks of life n talk to between 90 and 110 ppl a day...its the kind of job that makes u rapidly lose hope in humanity as a whole. in the eight months since i started iv been irritated, disgusted, aggravated, sickened, and well...u get the picture, all on a daily basis.
today however was the first time i was acctually rendered speechless. while setting an appt for a tech to fix this old lady's ac/heater she asks "can u see who came out last time to work on it?"
"yeah i can pull that up" and in anticipation of her next question "do u want me to request the same tech or not to send him?"
her reply, "no, i do not want them to send him because he's black" in such a matter of fact tone
"r u serious?"
"yes ..." and she goes on but i cant really hear what she's sayin cos im dumbfounded. at 1st im thinkin -
did she just say what i think she did? no fuckin way! yeah she did cos now she's talkin shit bout how we must send white tech! wtf! - i cant even talk as it takes all my will power to bite my tongue
i cant afford to lose my job even as much as i hate it so i force myself into strictly business robot mode and try to get this bitch done with as fast as possible.
but i can let it go so i type in the special instructions field - cust is racist wants white tech - and contemplate hot far out i can set her appt w/ out it being obvious im lying about the dates we have available.
but i notice that i dont even have to lie lol i dont know how many times she said "...but its an emergency" and even "what if it blows up?"
"sry ma'am but theres nothin we can do" proly the only thing i said all day with a smile in my voice, as im thinkin -well thats what u get bitch-
ugh now i wish i woulda told the cunt off, after thinkin bout it im sure any supervisor in my dept woulda "let it slide" if it got that far, but i couldnt even think straight n im the type who always thinks of the right words way too late
today however was the first time i was acctually rendered speechless. while setting an appt for a tech to fix this old lady's ac/heater she asks "can u see who came out last time to work on it?"
"yeah i can pull that up" and in anticipation of her next question "do u want me to request the same tech or not to send him?"
her reply, "no, i do not want them to send him because he's black" in such a matter of fact tone
"r u serious?"
"yes ..." and she goes on but i cant really hear what she's sayin cos im dumbfounded. at 1st im thinkin -

but i can let it go so i type in the special instructions field - cust is racist wants white tech - and contemplate hot far out i can set her appt w/ out it being obvious im lying about the dates we have available.
but i notice that i dont even have to lie lol i dont know how many times she said "...but its an emergency" and even "what if it blows up?"
"sry ma'am but theres nothin we can do" proly the only thing i said all day with a smile in my voice, as im thinkin -well thats what u get bitch-
ugh now i wish i woulda told the cunt off, after thinkin bout it im sure any supervisor in my dept woulda "let it slide" if it got that far, but i couldnt even think straight n im the type who always thinks of the right words way too late