Answer these questions with a pic from google image search:
I grew up in:
I live in:
My name is:
My grandmother's name is:
My favorite food is:
My favorite drink is:
My favorite song is:
My favorite scent is:
My favorite number is:

I grew up in:

I live in:
My name is:

My grandmother's name is:

My favorite food is:

My favorite drink is:

My favorite song is:

My favorite scent is:

My favorite number is:

Are your saying that energy weapons aren't more advanced? They are because we don't currently have the technology to use energy weapons beyond a few seconds burst. The reason is because the weapons generate heat that is equivalent to the sun's heat and renders there the weapon useless. In order to reuse weapons like that they would have to develop some short of cold fusion or develop some unnaturally occuring material capable of withstanding the heat of the sun. Either way they would need a highly advanced understanding of chemistry and physics, certainly far beyond our undertsanding of such subjects.