In case you didn't know, runnerguy is my daddy.
Stupid Survey
do you type really fast? - About average, I'd say
does it annoy people who are around you (like in the library)? - I hope not
do you/did you like high school? - Some of it wasy okay, most of it was boring
how old are you? - The big 1-8
do you know anyone who has the same birthday as you? if so name them - Elvis, David Bowie, Stephen Hawking
favorite pen color - Black
what word do you constantly misspell when typing? - "Sec" as in "wait a sec." I always spell it as "sex"
do you have trees in your yard? - I don't have a yard, but there is a tree in front of my window
name one comedian that everyone thinks is funny but you absolutely cannot stand - Jerry Seinfeld
name one director you hate and tell why - the Wachowski Bros., because they know people will pay 8 bucks to go see their shitty make-no-sense crapfests
do you like tim burton? - as a director, yes. As a person, no, because he cheated on his wife
what annoys you more than anything? - People that ask long, drawn-out stupid questions
tell me about the weirdest pair of socks you own - They have no feet, they're just like legwarmers, but longer so they cover the heels, but not the toes
if you woke up tomorrow morning as the opposite sex, what would you do first? - Not put on a stupid bra
did you read fear street books? - HELL YES! And the cheerleading saga books R.L. wrote as well
how about sweet valley high? - fuck that shit
babysitter's club? the boxcar children? - You're fucking kidding, right?
goosebumps? - Of course, what slightly morbid child didnt?
favorite show on nickelodeon (can be from the late 80's/early 90's when nick was good) - I liked alot of it: Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Salute Your Shorts, Space Cases, Hey Dude, etc
did you watch are you afraid of the dark? - AYAOTD OWNS!
did zeebo the clown scare you? - No, but Quicksilver did
where do you vacation every summer? - Destin, FL
do you like the beach? - Not really
do you tan or burn easily? - I burn really badly, then tan really dark
do you make up your own words and lingo? if so tell me about it - Yeah, like... I use to call posers "Evil Joe" or "Joe"
do you eat lots of tv dinners? - No, but they sure are tasty
favorite hot pocket flavor - Pepperoni Pizza!
if you could make one celebrity magically disappear, who would it be? - Paris Hilton, because she doesn't deserve fame, and it maes me sick to see her on young girl's magazines
how is life treating you? - I can't complain
do people like you? - most do
what do you think it is that makes the "popular" people popular? - Confidence? Money? I wouldn't know
what do you wear the most: jeans, cords, dickies, khakis, skirts, or shorts? - Jeans during the week, skirts on the weekend
are you using a pc or mac? - Laptop PC mofo
do you like chunky peanut butter? - God it is so good
what amazes you about the opposite sex? - that they don't wash their hands after peeing, ew!
are you in love with anyone? - Yes, friendship love
do you like anyone? - I like alot of people
if so, who - runnerguy, excowboy, Blake, I have a lot of crushes
why do you like them/why are you in love with them? - Runnerguy because he can kick my ass, Excowboy because he's FINE, Blake because he's my best friend, everyone else for various reasons
favorite cereal - Fruity Pebbles
name a movie that makes you cry - Requiem for a Dream
what's something you like about the opposite sex, physically, that your friends think is odd? - That little dio thing on their hips, mmmm
is it true that only the good die young? - if that was true I would already be dead
if so, are you going to live forever or die soon? - Soon, very soon
do you live for today? - I live for tomorrow
how fast can you run? - I can sprint pretty fast, but only for a short distance
favorite band from the 60's/70's - Mott the Hoople
have any of your friends had kids as teenagers? - Yes, several of them
did they finish high school? - Surprisingly, yes
favorite 80's television show - Full House (hey, it premieried in the 80's!!)
were you even born in the 80's? - Yes
what year? - 86, I'm a youngun
have you ever taught a little kid a curse word? - LOL YES
if so which one was it? - Fag, if you can count that
do you think little boys are horrendously ill behaved? - some are
have you ever thrown anything at a moving car? if so, what? - Yes, rocks, and they stopped and hunted me down, too
name a villian in a movie that scared you when you were a kid - The dinosaurs from Jurassic Park
have you seen the original friday the thirteenth? - Of course
the original chucky? - Do you know who you're talking to??
the original halloween? - Yes
what's your favorite channel? - I don't watch TV, but I like Comedy Central
what do you say when you stub your toe off of the corner of the coffee table? - "MOTHERFUCKER!"
what's the highest thing you've ever jumped off of and landed unharmed? - A 15 ft cliff, but I did cut my toe
does it snow where you live? - In the winter
if yes, do you go sled riding? - I haven't in years
have you ever used anything weird, like a frisbee or a trashcan lid, for a sled? - No, I had a real sled
how many people do you know who were born in november? - 1, my dad
what month has the most people you know born in it? - June/July
do holidays make you festive? - Sometimes
magazines you subscribe to - I subscribe to SPIN but they haven't sent me my damn magazines yet
do you read the supermarket tabloids? - When I have the change to buy it I do
have you ever smashed somebody's halloween pumpkin? - No
ever had yours smashed? - No, but if it was I would be kicking some asses
do you celebrate christmas? - I celebrate the gift-giving portion
if not, do you still watch "how the grinch stole christmas" when it comes on television? - Who doesn't? It's an American Classic!
do you think the grinch movie starring jim carrey was a waste of money? - YUP
ever had a hot teacher? -
if yes, did you flirt with him/her? - No, he had a girlfriend
how do you treat people you are attracted to? (this is not a stupid question; some people are immature and are mean to those they like) - I punch them and call them queer. Hey, it works!
what do you want for your birthday this year? - Money and/or drugs
have you ever egged somebody's house? - Nope
has someone ever egged yours? - Not that I know of
do we all go a little mad sometimes? - Yes, it's called PMS
what pisses you off more than anything in the world? - When someone tells me something is completely my fault when it obviously ISN'T
do you still go trick or treating? - Yes!
do you believe in santa claus? - Uh, sure...
have you ever worked in a supermarket? - No, thank god
how about a restaurant? - Does McD's count?
if yes, do you agree with me when i say that those are the two worst establishments to work in? - Absolutely
what color is your bedspread? - Black and white
do your eyes change colors? - Yeah, they go from dark brown to yellow when I'm really mad
do you believe that we walked on the moon? - Hmmm.... I really don't know because I wasn't there to see it
what's your opinion of the u.s. retaliation in afghanistan? - Totally acceptable
do you live by yourself? - In a dorm in a single room
have you ever gotten a computer virus? - Ugh, yes, they're bitches
if so, what was it and how did you get rid of it? - That damn worm thing, I installed some removal thingy
describe your junior high/middle school gym teacher - She wore TONS of make-up. We called her coach McMakeup
how do you react when someone is talking to you --up in your face-- and they have really bad breath? - I turn away and act like I have something else to do
what was your first date like? - Awkward
did you go/are you going to the prom? - I went to my Junior prom, but skipped senior prom to get drunk in a barn
if you've already gone, was it good or bad? explain why - Bad, I had just had surgery and my leg really hurt
do you get uneasy when you see a person of a different color than you walking down the same street as you in the middle of the night? - Not really, I get nervous when anyone passes me on the street at night
if yes, do you think that makes you racist? - it only makes you racist if you're only afraid of black people
are you a vegetarian? - Used to be
how about vegan? - I can't handle all that soy
if no to both, do you think you could be? - I like greasy meat too much
have you ever given up a certain type of food? if so, what was it and why did you do it? - Tomato sauce, it was giving me stomach aches
spit out a random song lyric for me. make sure you tell me the name of the song and who sings it! - "You're touching on nothing, nothing that is sacred to me." - Rosetta Stone, "Nothing"
who does the chores around your house? - my mom at home, but me at school
name one person who annoys you more than anyone else, and tell why - Dustin, because he's an attention whore
what movie could you watch a million times and never get tired of? - Battle Royale
what movie have you watched a million times, and you still laugh at the jokes? - Zoolander
what movie do you hope you never see again? - The Order
have you ever hugged a stuffed animal or pillow and pretended that it was your significant other, or someone you had a crush on, and then someone caught you talking to it, and stroking its soft, fuzzy fur, and laughed at you and told the whole school? - How did you KNOW??
do you drive? - Not well
if so, do you like to drive at night or in the day time? - Mostly at night
has anyone ever called you a bitch? - often
has anyone ever called you an asshole? - often
are you a bitch/asshole? - often
what's the first thing you do when you get home from school/work? - Check my email
favorite pop tart flavor - Strawberry w/ icing
do you play any musical instruments? if so, what? - Bass, guitar, some piano
tell me about the best school-related activity you ever took part in - I had a role in "The Importance of Being Earnest" and practice was really fun, but they had to cancel the show
have you ever built a snowman? - Sorta
did you cry when it melted, or when the kid next door knocked its head off with a shovel? - No
what's your religion? - Methodist by birth, nothing by practice
do you try to force it on other people? - I have nothing to force
do you knock on people's doors at 7 a.m. on saturdays, trying to give them a pamphlet and tell them about the lord, or ask random people at the mall if theyve been saved, yet you think that doesnt count as forcing religion, you son of a bitch? - Damn, you caught me
what's the best restaurant you've ever eaten at? - Galatoire's in New Orleans
have you ever been flipping channels late at night and caught a glimpse of some porn on skinemax? - Yup
if so, did you watch it? don't say no, i know you did - Yes, I did, and I'm not ashamed
what's the code word or phrase you and your friends use for the word SEX? - fucking?
is sex an uncomfortable topic for you? - Nope
what is the one thing in the world that just looking at it makes you vomit, or come close to it? - Infected toes
when other people vomit, does it make you sick? - Yes
do your clothes match? - I guess so
what are you wearing right now? - Blue jeans and a long-sleeve striped shirt
did you ever have those fisher price roller skates that go over top of your shoes? - YES!
did you have a bike with a banana seat? - No
could you ride it? - No, dammit!
have you lived in the same house your entire life? - Nope
whats the weirdest thing youve lived next to? - My dad shares a property line with a mental institution
who is the ugliest person youve ever seen? - Aside from your mom, that woman on Extreme Makeover that had brown splotches all over her face and was missing half a tooth.
do you watch talk shows? - I watch court shows
do you think miss cleo is full of shit? - Full of Jamaican shit
if not, have you called her and wasted your money, you idiot? - I did, but for fun
what are your thoughts on keeping animals in captivity? - Only okay if you replicate their natural environment
what do you think of all the superstores that are popping up everywhere? (super walmart, super k-mart, super target)? - Convienient, but putting small places out of business which is bad
what do you think of pop music? - Pop my eardrums with a fork
tell me something i dont know - You feet have more germs than your asshole.

Stupid Survey
do you type really fast? - About average, I'd say
does it annoy people who are around you (like in the library)? - I hope not
do you/did you like high school? - Some of it wasy okay, most of it was boring
how old are you? - The big 1-8
do you know anyone who has the same birthday as you? if so name them - Elvis, David Bowie, Stephen Hawking
favorite pen color - Black
what word do you constantly misspell when typing? - "Sec" as in "wait a sec." I always spell it as "sex"
do you have trees in your yard? - I don't have a yard, but there is a tree in front of my window
name one comedian that everyone thinks is funny but you absolutely cannot stand - Jerry Seinfeld
name one director you hate and tell why - the Wachowski Bros., because they know people will pay 8 bucks to go see their shitty make-no-sense crapfests
do you like tim burton? - as a director, yes. As a person, no, because he cheated on his wife
what annoys you more than anything? - People that ask long, drawn-out stupid questions
tell me about the weirdest pair of socks you own - They have no feet, they're just like legwarmers, but longer so they cover the heels, but not the toes
if you woke up tomorrow morning as the opposite sex, what would you do first? - Not put on a stupid bra
did you read fear street books? - HELL YES! And the cheerleading saga books R.L. wrote as well
how about sweet valley high? - fuck that shit
babysitter's club? the boxcar children? - You're fucking kidding, right?
goosebumps? - Of course, what slightly morbid child didnt?
favorite show on nickelodeon (can be from the late 80's/early 90's when nick was good) - I liked alot of it: Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Salute Your Shorts, Space Cases, Hey Dude, etc
did you watch are you afraid of the dark? - AYAOTD OWNS!
did zeebo the clown scare you? - No, but Quicksilver did
where do you vacation every summer? - Destin, FL
do you like the beach? - Not really
do you tan or burn easily? - I burn really badly, then tan really dark
do you make up your own words and lingo? if so tell me about it - Yeah, like... I use to call posers "Evil Joe" or "Joe"
do you eat lots of tv dinners? - No, but they sure are tasty
favorite hot pocket flavor - Pepperoni Pizza!
if you could make one celebrity magically disappear, who would it be? - Paris Hilton, because she doesn't deserve fame, and it maes me sick to see her on young girl's magazines
how is life treating you? - I can't complain
do people like you? - most do
what do you think it is that makes the "popular" people popular? - Confidence? Money? I wouldn't know
what do you wear the most: jeans, cords, dickies, khakis, skirts, or shorts? - Jeans during the week, skirts on the weekend
are you using a pc or mac? - Laptop PC mofo
do you like chunky peanut butter? - God it is so good
what amazes you about the opposite sex? - that they don't wash their hands after peeing, ew!
are you in love with anyone? - Yes, friendship love
do you like anyone? - I like alot of people
if so, who - runnerguy, excowboy, Blake, I have a lot of crushes
why do you like them/why are you in love with them? - Runnerguy because he can kick my ass, Excowboy because he's FINE, Blake because he's my best friend, everyone else for various reasons
favorite cereal - Fruity Pebbles
name a movie that makes you cry - Requiem for a Dream
what's something you like about the opposite sex, physically, that your friends think is odd? - That little dio thing on their hips, mmmm
is it true that only the good die young? - if that was true I would already be dead

if so, are you going to live forever or die soon? - Soon, very soon
do you live for today? - I live for tomorrow
how fast can you run? - I can sprint pretty fast, but only for a short distance
favorite band from the 60's/70's - Mott the Hoople
have any of your friends had kids as teenagers? - Yes, several of them
did they finish high school? - Surprisingly, yes
favorite 80's television show - Full House (hey, it premieried in the 80's!!)
were you even born in the 80's? - Yes
what year? - 86, I'm a youngun
have you ever taught a little kid a curse word? - LOL YES
if so which one was it? - Fag, if you can count that
do you think little boys are horrendously ill behaved? - some are
have you ever thrown anything at a moving car? if so, what? - Yes, rocks, and they stopped and hunted me down, too
name a villian in a movie that scared you when you were a kid - The dinosaurs from Jurassic Park
have you seen the original friday the thirteenth? - Of course
the original chucky? - Do you know who you're talking to??
the original halloween? - Yes
what's your favorite channel? - I don't watch TV, but I like Comedy Central
what do you say when you stub your toe off of the corner of the coffee table? - "MOTHERFUCKER!"
what's the highest thing you've ever jumped off of and landed unharmed? - A 15 ft cliff, but I did cut my toe
does it snow where you live? - In the winter
if yes, do you go sled riding? - I haven't in years
have you ever used anything weird, like a frisbee or a trashcan lid, for a sled? - No, I had a real sled
how many people do you know who were born in november? - 1, my dad
what month has the most people you know born in it? - June/July
do holidays make you festive? - Sometimes
magazines you subscribe to - I subscribe to SPIN but they haven't sent me my damn magazines yet
do you read the supermarket tabloids? - When I have the change to buy it I do
have you ever smashed somebody's halloween pumpkin? - No
ever had yours smashed? - No, but if it was I would be kicking some asses
do you celebrate christmas? - I celebrate the gift-giving portion
if not, do you still watch "how the grinch stole christmas" when it comes on television? - Who doesn't? It's an American Classic!
do you think the grinch movie starring jim carrey was a waste of money? - YUP
ever had a hot teacher? -

if yes, did you flirt with him/her? - No, he had a girlfriend
how do you treat people you are attracted to? (this is not a stupid question; some people are immature and are mean to those they like) - I punch them and call them queer. Hey, it works!
what do you want for your birthday this year? - Money and/or drugs
have you ever egged somebody's house? - Nope
has someone ever egged yours? - Not that I know of
do we all go a little mad sometimes? - Yes, it's called PMS
what pisses you off more than anything in the world? - When someone tells me something is completely my fault when it obviously ISN'T
do you still go trick or treating? - Yes!
do you believe in santa claus? - Uh, sure...
have you ever worked in a supermarket? - No, thank god
how about a restaurant? - Does McD's count?
if yes, do you agree with me when i say that those are the two worst establishments to work in? - Absolutely
what color is your bedspread? - Black and white
do your eyes change colors? - Yeah, they go from dark brown to yellow when I'm really mad
do you believe that we walked on the moon? - Hmmm.... I really don't know because I wasn't there to see it
what's your opinion of the u.s. retaliation in afghanistan? - Totally acceptable
do you live by yourself? - In a dorm in a single room
have you ever gotten a computer virus? - Ugh, yes, they're bitches
if so, what was it and how did you get rid of it? - That damn worm thing, I installed some removal thingy
describe your junior high/middle school gym teacher - She wore TONS of make-up. We called her coach McMakeup
how do you react when someone is talking to you --up in your face-- and they have really bad breath? - I turn away and act like I have something else to do
what was your first date like? - Awkward
did you go/are you going to the prom? - I went to my Junior prom, but skipped senior prom to get drunk in a barn
if you've already gone, was it good or bad? explain why - Bad, I had just had surgery and my leg really hurt
do you get uneasy when you see a person of a different color than you walking down the same street as you in the middle of the night? - Not really, I get nervous when anyone passes me on the street at night
if yes, do you think that makes you racist? - it only makes you racist if you're only afraid of black people
are you a vegetarian? - Used to be
how about vegan? - I can't handle all that soy
if no to both, do you think you could be? - I like greasy meat too much
have you ever given up a certain type of food? if so, what was it and why did you do it? - Tomato sauce, it was giving me stomach aches
spit out a random song lyric for me. make sure you tell me the name of the song and who sings it! - "You're touching on nothing, nothing that is sacred to me." - Rosetta Stone, "Nothing"
who does the chores around your house? - my mom at home, but me at school
name one person who annoys you more than anyone else, and tell why - Dustin, because he's an attention whore
what movie could you watch a million times and never get tired of? - Battle Royale
what movie have you watched a million times, and you still laugh at the jokes? - Zoolander
what movie do you hope you never see again? - The Order
have you ever hugged a stuffed animal or pillow and pretended that it was your significant other, or someone you had a crush on, and then someone caught you talking to it, and stroking its soft, fuzzy fur, and laughed at you and told the whole school? - How did you KNOW??
do you drive? - Not well
if so, do you like to drive at night or in the day time? - Mostly at night
has anyone ever called you a bitch? - often
has anyone ever called you an asshole? - often
are you a bitch/asshole? - often
what's the first thing you do when you get home from school/work? - Check my email
favorite pop tart flavor - Strawberry w/ icing
do you play any musical instruments? if so, what? - Bass, guitar, some piano
tell me about the best school-related activity you ever took part in - I had a role in "The Importance of Being Earnest" and practice was really fun, but they had to cancel the show

have you ever built a snowman? - Sorta
did you cry when it melted, or when the kid next door knocked its head off with a shovel? - No
what's your religion? - Methodist by birth, nothing by practice
do you try to force it on other people? - I have nothing to force
do you knock on people's doors at 7 a.m. on saturdays, trying to give them a pamphlet and tell them about the lord, or ask random people at the mall if theyve been saved, yet you think that doesnt count as forcing religion, you son of a bitch? - Damn, you caught me
what's the best restaurant you've ever eaten at? - Galatoire's in New Orleans
have you ever been flipping channels late at night and caught a glimpse of some porn on skinemax? - Yup
if so, did you watch it? don't say no, i know you did - Yes, I did, and I'm not ashamed
what's the code word or phrase you and your friends use for the word SEX? - fucking?
is sex an uncomfortable topic for you? - Nope
what is the one thing in the world that just looking at it makes you vomit, or come close to it? - Infected toes
when other people vomit, does it make you sick? - Yes
do your clothes match? - I guess so
what are you wearing right now? - Blue jeans and a long-sleeve striped shirt
did you ever have those fisher price roller skates that go over top of your shoes? - YES!
did you have a bike with a banana seat? - No
could you ride it? - No, dammit!
have you lived in the same house your entire life? - Nope
whats the weirdest thing youve lived next to? - My dad shares a property line with a mental institution
who is the ugliest person youve ever seen? - Aside from your mom, that woman on Extreme Makeover that had brown splotches all over her face and was missing half a tooth.
do you watch talk shows? - I watch court shows
do you think miss cleo is full of shit? - Full of Jamaican shit
if not, have you called her and wasted your money, you idiot? - I did, but for fun
what are your thoughts on keeping animals in captivity? - Only okay if you replicate their natural environment
what do you think of all the superstores that are popping up everywhere? (super walmart, super k-mart, super target)? - Convienient, but putting small places out of business which is bad
what do you think of pop music? - Pop my eardrums with a fork
tell me something i dont know - You feet have more germs than your asshole.
Everyone and their mom has one.
Its like the rose tattoo of the eighties or the dragon tattoo of the