The Cockroach Saga - Part I
Today I decided I would do my laundry. I picked up a huge pile of dirty clothes and threw them in my laundry bag. As I reached down to pick the hamper up, a giant, beady-eyed, snarling cockroach scuttled onto the side of my laundry basket. I screamed and IMed runnerguy for help. Of course, he just laughed at me. Well, I hate cockroaches, and I wanted to kill it. However, the bug was too big to squish so I decided to trap it in a plastic cup. I wedged the cup in between the laundry basket and the radiator, trapping the roach. I slid a paper cup underneath and carried it to the trash where I shook it out. Looking into the garbage, I couldn't see the bug, but I assumed it was in there. I went along and did my laundry without fear.
The Cockroach Saga - Part II
I came home at around 3 a.m. from watching a movie with runnerguy only to find the same hideous bug lounging on my dirty towel. I swore to catch the beast this time! I tried the cup method again, but the roach outwitted me and ran under my bed. Moving the bed aside, I could see it twitching in the corner. I attempted to crush it with the weight of my bed, but it scurried across the floor and under my refridgerator. Damn him! Now it was time to go for the kill. I pushed the fridge to one side and slammed down on the roach with a plastic hanger. As soon as the hanger hit the cockroach, it was gone! It diappeared into thin air! I searched my room desperately. I could not possibly sleep until that roach was eradicated.
So here I am, not sleeping, in the dorm lounge because I'm afraid it's in my bed or something. Yes, I am a pussy when it comes to cockroaches, grasshoppers, and killer whales. Don't ask me about the last one.
Stay tuned for Part III of The Cockroach Saga!
Today I decided I would do my laundry. I picked up a huge pile of dirty clothes and threw them in my laundry bag. As I reached down to pick the hamper up, a giant, beady-eyed, snarling cockroach scuttled onto the side of my laundry basket. I screamed and IMed runnerguy for help. Of course, he just laughed at me. Well, I hate cockroaches, and I wanted to kill it. However, the bug was too big to squish so I decided to trap it in a plastic cup. I wedged the cup in between the laundry basket and the radiator, trapping the roach. I slid a paper cup underneath and carried it to the trash where I shook it out. Looking into the garbage, I couldn't see the bug, but I assumed it was in there. I went along and did my laundry without fear.
The Cockroach Saga - Part II
I came home at around 3 a.m. from watching a movie with runnerguy only to find the same hideous bug lounging on my dirty towel. I swore to catch the beast this time! I tried the cup method again, but the roach outwitted me and ran under my bed. Moving the bed aside, I could see it twitching in the corner. I attempted to crush it with the weight of my bed, but it scurried across the floor and under my refridgerator. Damn him! Now it was time to go for the kill. I pushed the fridge to one side and slammed down on the roach with a plastic hanger. As soon as the hanger hit the cockroach, it was gone! It diappeared into thin air! I searched my room desperately. I could not possibly sleep until that roach was eradicated.
So here I am, not sleeping, in the dorm lounge because I'm afraid it's in my bed or something. Yes, I am a pussy when it comes to cockroaches, grasshoppers, and killer whales. Don't ask me about the last one.
Stay tuned for Part III of The Cockroach Saga!
I guess someone has to do that dirty work...
Best of luck!
[Edited on Aug 23, 2004 10:30AM]