As you may or may not know, I am a masochist. I like being dominated during sex. I like having no control over anything. I like having my ass beaten.
I used to think my submissive nature stayed in the bedroom, but lately it has been seeping out into the real world.
When Dustin calls me a slut and tells me to get the fuck out of his house, it makes me HAPPY. When he strangles me with my necklace during sex it makes me HAPPY. When he totally ignores me and makes me work for attention it makes me HAPPY.
Inside I am fucking screaming with joy when he does this, but my mind (and everybody around me) is saying, "No! This is wrong! Relationships don't work like this!!" How can I possibly tell my friends that being miserable makes me happy?
I used to think my submissive nature stayed in the bedroom, but lately it has been seeping out into the real world.
When Dustin calls me a slut and tells me to get the fuck out of his house, it makes me HAPPY. When he strangles me with my necklace during sex it makes me HAPPY. When he totally ignores me and makes me work for attention it makes me HAPPY.
Inside I am fucking screaming with joy when he does this, but my mind (and everybody around me) is saying, "No! This is wrong! Relationships don't work like this!!" How can I possibly tell my friends that being miserable makes me happy?
whatever makes you happy should be good enough for the ones who love you. but some people don't get that not everyone gets their kicks and joys in the same ways as others. their loss. lets hope they'll see the light someday though.
i think i can work with that