We're kicking off Friday Oct 28 with dinner and a meet & greet at 7:00PM @ The Afghan Horseman @ 455 W Broadway In VAN CITY, BC! All are welcome and urged to come out! There is an RSVP page for the event, but it's on for logged in members only.
Saturday Oct 29 & Sunday Oct 30 We will be hosting body suspensions and pulls in Vancouver, BC from 11:00AM to 6:00PM. The event is easily accessible by skytrain and the exact location of the suspensions will be disclosed at the meet and greet. We are equipped to do horizontal & vertical suspensions, spinning beam on site. Private experiences must be scheduled in advance.
To cover costs we will Require a small admission fee for spectators. $7 in advance, $10 at the door. Suspensions will require a donation of $100 and pulls $65 prepaid in advance. A suspension or pull donation entitles one guest. payments can be made via Paypal to Contact Russ Foxx for other payment arrangements.
T-Shirts for the event will also be available in limited quantity for $20. To ensure a shirt, prepay in advance.
For more details contact the event organizers, Russ Foxx or Dirk Sullivan.
*The suspension events will be drug & alcohol-free. Please respect that.*
Hey there.