I'm sick of spending friday nights alone. Esspecially since it's one of the few days I have off work.

Fucking flakes. Goddamnit.

Fucking lonely all the time.

In other news, the Giro D'Italia starts tomorrow. That's pretty awesome.
Resurection. Current Events.

It would seem screamo bands have taken over my life the last few weeks.

Going to see the decendents next month.

Going to Boston next month. Main reason, to make my pilgrimage to Fenway Park to watch the Sox at home.

Training for a metric century plus (68 miles) ride that is happening at the end of next month.

Still reasonably sucky...
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Oh wow, i saw that picture with jacob bannon. Ive got one as well but i was.. 17 or something haha smileblush
Haha really?! Ibwas supposed to fly out this weekend
Everytime I try and be social on this site, It's an abysmal failure. So I'm thinking of just killing the profile. The amount of feedback here will likely influence my choice significantly.
A failure in what way? Lack of response? Lack of a particular type of response? Encountering disagreeable people?

I was fairly active on this site in '03/'04 when the membership was about a tenth of what it currently is. I met some interesting people and had some interesting conversations. With only a few exceptions, though, none of my interactions with members during that time period progressed beyond witticisms posted on each others journals (which is lovely, of course, but certainly quite a ways from being social). I noticed that others were being far more social on the site than I was, but I had no idea what allowed others to interact in a way of which I was incapable.

It wasn't until several years later that I met in person one of the people whom I'd known on the site during that period. Her thoughts on the social nature of the site were illuminating. During that period, she hadn't had a job and was able to be on the site constantly; she participated in journals, boards, and chat. It appeared that many of the more social people were in the same boat (either lots of free time or a job that allowed them to surf the site with working, which lead to lots of time on the site). I never quite had the time to devote to being quite that social on the site.

She mentioned that many people felt uncomfortable interacting with people who didn't have a face picture on their profile and that appeared to be very true. When I experimented with a face picture, the responses I got to all sorts of things were much more interesting. But I eventually went back to no such picture and the social level went back to where it was before.

Also it appears that the more successfully social people on the site were attending events in real life, which, at the time, I had no desire to do.

I don't know how the site's changed in the last seven years. The social person I knew left the site in '06, so her thoughts applied mostly to the time I was very active and slightly after. And her opinions were, of course, only the opinions and observations of one person.

I've often wondered if I could've used this site to have had more fun in the past. Probably.


Just some somewhat random thoughts on the subject.
Awww don't leave
I would like to not feel like jumping off a bridge everyday.

Bad place the last 2 months. Can't figure out a way to get over it. I've tried a lot of things. Only temporary fixes.

...the fuck...
I think I have a handle on a second job. Which means extra money to save and/or put into my bike. Stoked.

Fact: Saves the Day's "can't slow down" record is fucking great.

Had I been into them when this record was released, I would have some very collectible vinyl. Fucking late train Russell. I suppose that is what I get for being WAY to...
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Getting sick of applying for school district jobs and getting turned down because they decide to hire from within the district as opposed to someone new in order to avoid wasted time in training.

Been researching graduate schools. And studying for the GRE. Looking at PhD programs. The most ideal schools for the philosophical schools I am interested in are in Washington, Massachusetts, and New...
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Recently, on a date, I was told that my interests were very boring. =D

Cool. I just geek out on dorky shit. (coffee, bikes, and philosophy)

In other news, Baroness is an awesome band.
Why? Wanna teach me?
Yes. Teach me.
My sister is one of the worst people I have ever known in my entire life. When I move away for grad school, I don't see myself continuing any sort of relationship with her. It would be a complete waste of energy.
I'm sorry to hear that. frown

I thought that about my sister for a long time. Now that we're older though (and not living in the same room) I feel like things are a lot different now. I guess she's not so bad...

Hopefully the same happens with you. Maybe she'll grow up, eh?
Getting into jazz. Really fun. Those fools get wicked crazy with their style.