What the haps peeps? Shit has been kinda a mess lately. The past month I have realized that a lot of whom I thought were my good friends are just a bunch of selfish back stabbers. That I can get passed because I still have a couple friends that I know I will have the rest of my life. I guess Ill go ahead and rant a little more since Im already off to such a good start. My love life sucks a big one. The last two girls Ive dated and started to like both fucked me over. I dont get it. I think im a pretty handsome guy and Im a blast to hang with and treat girls very well. I know Im only 28 but I would really like to settle down but I have had no luck finding a desecent girl. Oh well things could always be a lot worse so Im just gonna stop the complaining right here. Hope everyone is doing well. Till next time Russ

sorry you've realized the reality of life which is people are fucking stupid and selfish. ....on a side note...NOT everyone is like that. I hope you encounter more awesome people in 2012 or at least sooner. <3