So yeah it has been a crazy past two months for me. I have no job since the beginning of July. I was let go over the phone how messed up is that. Now i know why Stone Cold Steve Austin was so pissed of at Eric Bishoff all those years ago. I have been looking and have some stuff lined up so yeah it...
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Sweet boot.
Hells to the yeah i got my buddy coming up today and were getting tats together and going to go see Nick Swardson tonight do stand up and going to Casa Bonita like cartman did and going to the New Belgium brewery while he is up so it is going to be awesome, except i just found out my boss sold his store yesterday so...
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Thanks for the nice blog comments. Have a great weekend.
Travis, how I wish I could roll back the time and be headed there today. oh well hope all is well.
some new things are going on so far. First off not to impressed with the final episodes of The Sopranos not a big fan of them but Entourage has turned out great. I have been talking to some old friends from Texas and not to mention my buddy coming up in less then three weeks. Back is feeling bad still but im working on it....
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have a great weekend
aw i wish i could go see this tonite spidey--man...spidey man..but im about to go into work in 30 minutes...have you seen the new animated series of spider man..well its not that new....and the only did i think 2 seasons of it....
Damn if the blizzard last week that had 2 to 3 feet was a pain in the ass it is supposed to be even worse tomorrow as well. I live in the damn city for crying out loud. I have only lived in Denver for almost 5 years and have been in two blizzards and could be three what the hell is that all about.

Hey whats been going on?
Nice Mooby's hat 

great taste in music. welcome to SG mate