Ok, I'm still having a love/hate relationship with the site. I love the layout but I can't stand pink.
Well, I don't hate it that much, but it's irking me lots.
Anyway, I've made up my mind, yet again. (I'm so confused, as you all can see).
I'm still going to Arizona. But not in January as I previously decided. My gramma and granpa are going in Summer '07. But I'm going to stay here. I'm going to (finally!) finish school after a too long break.
Its kinda discouraging because alot of my friends are saying: "Just go to a VoTech school and get it over with!" or"You are too old to be going back to a 4-year!" or better yet "Girl, you completely missed the boat on that one, that's why they created schools like Strayer and Pheonix University!"
Well hot-damn. If I wanted to go the Strayer or any 'adult-educational' school, I wouldn't done that by now. D'uh!
Yea, I'm 24 - well I will be in exactly 30 days from now - and I should've graduated from college by now. But guess what nay-sayers, I haven't. I know now what I want to do with my life. So 30 years later when you guys are going through your mid life crisises and going back to school to change careers after working at a job 'that you hate, I'm going to sit back and laugh because I'm followed my heart and didn't just go into a field just because I thought I had to or the career was hot at the time.
Yea, I'm going to sit back and laugh with that big fat DR title in front of my name and DVM trailing behind it. I'll show y'all who missed the boat.
Ok, that feels alot better. I see why people love blogs so much.

Well, I don't hate it that much, but it's irking me lots.
Anyway, I've made up my mind, yet again. (I'm so confused, as you all can see).
I'm still going to Arizona. But not in January as I previously decided. My gramma and granpa are going in Summer '07. But I'm going to stay here. I'm going to (finally!) finish school after a too long break.
Its kinda discouraging because alot of my friends are saying: "Just go to a VoTech school and get it over with!" or"You are too old to be going back to a 4-year!" or better yet "Girl, you completely missed the boat on that one, that's why they created schools like Strayer and Pheonix University!"
Well hot-damn. If I wanted to go the Strayer or any 'adult-educational' school, I wouldn't done that by now. D'uh!
Yea, I'm 24 - well I will be in exactly 30 days from now - and I should've graduated from college by now. But guess what nay-sayers, I haven't. I know now what I want to do with my life. So 30 years later when you guys are going through your mid life crisises and going back to school to change careers after working at a job 'that you hate, I'm going to sit back and laugh because I'm followed my heart and didn't just go into a field just because I thought I had to or the career was hot at the time.
Yea, I'm going to sit back and laugh with that big fat DR title in front of my name and DVM trailing behind it. I'll show y'all who missed the boat.

Ok, that feels alot better. I see why people love blogs so much.
There are a lot of things we all sh ould have done by 24, I went through all of them 2 months ago. I am glad your gonna follow your heart, Thats the only way to go, its the reason I took 6 years to graduate college. And as for that ninto, you should never give a guy your dating a videogame system(unless its me) it just spells out bad news. And I need one of those original game boys......Other than that, I might have to get to know you better so we can game sometime lady. What Ya think?
Thats awesome, I still have my snes, and a top loading NES, along with everything else thats out there. Mind if I add ya on yahoo, we should talk sometime.