Weekend Update.
Bought a new digital camera today, so soon you will be subjected to images of my pasty mug.
Had a great night with BHL last night. Went to Saji Ya, ate, drank, laughed. Went to Restoration Hardware & looked at overpriced, cool junk no one needs. Went back to her place... talked about maybe trying our hand at living under the same roof (v.3.0) again this fall after my lease in hell is over, drank a little more, and stuff.
Woke up well rested & happy today, decided it was time for a new digicam since I haven't been able to use the old 1910-steam-powered model since we got new computers at home. Found a great deal at OfficeMax, and shot some pix of my crappy backyard. Tomorrow, I may photograph some worthwhile stuff.
Also drove over to Hudson, WI to visit my favorite liquor store. They carry all these great craft brews from around Wisconsin. Picked up 3 selections from the Viking Brewery of Dallas, WI: The Big Swede Bock (fitting as I am largish and 1/4 Swedish); Whole Stein Milk Porter (one hell of a substantial brew); and Rauch (a beechwood smoked ale, this is the smoothest beer I have ever tasted...the ultimate summer beer). Also picked up some of New Glarus Brewery's Wisconsin Belgian Red, which is actually made with 1 pound of Door County Cherries per 2-pint bottle...this is possibly the most addictive thing I have ever drank in my life. Rounding out the selections was some Old Tom Barleywine. Also made a stop to get my Wisconsin State Park Permit, since it's time to go camping!
Went down to U-Pull-R-Parts with Roomie to get a new timing chain for his girlfriend's car. What a clusterfuck removing that thing was!
Now, we've got a nice bonfire rolling in the fire ring, we received a new shipment of 2 dozen home-made tamales (nothing like a Norwegian and a Dutchman celebrating Cinco de Mayo) and much beer to drink. I apologize in advance if I do any P.U.I. (posting under the influence) later.
Bought a new digital camera today, so soon you will be subjected to images of my pasty mug.
Had a great night with BHL last night. Went to Saji Ya, ate, drank, laughed. Went to Restoration Hardware & looked at overpriced, cool junk no one needs. Went back to her place... talked about maybe trying our hand at living under the same roof (v.3.0) again this fall after my lease in hell is over, drank a little more, and stuff.
Woke up well rested & happy today, decided it was time for a new digicam since I haven't been able to use the old 1910-steam-powered model since we got new computers at home. Found a great deal at OfficeMax, and shot some pix of my crappy backyard. Tomorrow, I may photograph some worthwhile stuff.
Also drove over to Hudson, WI to visit my favorite liquor store. They carry all these great craft brews from around Wisconsin. Picked up 3 selections from the Viking Brewery of Dallas, WI: The Big Swede Bock (fitting as I am largish and 1/4 Swedish); Whole Stein Milk Porter (one hell of a substantial brew); and Rauch (a beechwood smoked ale, this is the smoothest beer I have ever tasted...the ultimate summer beer). Also picked up some of New Glarus Brewery's Wisconsin Belgian Red, which is actually made with 1 pound of Door County Cherries per 2-pint bottle...this is possibly the most addictive thing I have ever drank in my life. Rounding out the selections was some Old Tom Barleywine. Also made a stop to get my Wisconsin State Park Permit, since it's time to go camping!
Went down to U-Pull-R-Parts with Roomie to get a new timing chain for his girlfriend's car. What a clusterfuck removing that thing was!
Now, we've got a nice bonfire rolling in the fire ring, we received a new shipment of 2 dozen home-made tamales (nothing like a Norwegian and a Dutchman celebrating Cinco de Mayo) and much beer to drink. I apologize in advance if I do any P.U.I. (posting under the influence) later.
Otherwise I'd totally take you up on it.
glad you had a good cinqo de mayo.
Remember we mentioned you being willing to trade hair for slimness. Well, would you be willing to trade regular income (one of your five-items-I-can't-live-without) for a walk in my shoes?
[if you a-r-e, I think that we've suddenly also found a way for you to get out of that rut of yours
I want to buy a new camera and to get to go to selective wine shops and browse.
Yesterday, at our bbq, I had to rely on the kindness of strangers in order to get drunk