wow, i just got in from a night of hardcore drinking, hardcore smoking, and hardcore music................................all i'll say right now is im listening to my new sinai beach cd and it is fucking awesome.......................more tomorrow when im hungover
:::::::::::::::::next day update::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
alright, so my night began with us getttng to the venue to see The Ambition and As I Lay Dying, there was alot of people there and the bands were made for some wild dancing......As I Lay Dying had, by far, some of the craziest dancing i had ever seen..............there was almost so many fights but they kept getting broken up.................there were a couple of these asshole guys there that were doing some fucked up shit, and this girl tried to hit the guy for being a dick, and he just lays this kick right into her back..........there was about 30 people on that guy in a matter of seconds, but it was broken up. a few more fights almost occured, between guys, between girls and guys, it was crazy, i had a great time..................after that show we go to see Shattered Realm at this other more then 5 minutes after we are there, a friend of mine gets into a fight with this crazy drunk fat guy, a fight we had to break up..........after that we just left, without seeing the band, smoked a blunt, then went home to bed..............................................................................................................................................................................................
:::::::::::::::::next day update::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
alright, so my night began with us getttng to the venue to see The Ambition and As I Lay Dying, there was alot of people there and the bands were made for some wild dancing......As I Lay Dying had, by far, some of the craziest dancing i had ever seen..............there was almost so many fights but they kept getting broken up.................there were a couple of these asshole guys there that were doing some fucked up shit, and this girl tried to hit the guy for being a dick, and he just lays this kick right into her back..........there was about 30 people on that guy in a matter of seconds, but it was broken up. a few more fights almost occured, between guys, between girls and guys, it was crazy, i had a great time..................after that show we go to see Shattered Realm at this other more then 5 minutes after we are there, a friend of mine gets into a fight with this crazy drunk fat guy, a fight we had to break up..........after that we just left, without seeing the band, smoked a blunt, then went home to bed..............................................................................................................................................................................................
i guess after 8 years (according to their website) they decided that they had enough....what can we do...