A place for people to discuss their Politics and Current Affairs. A place for all opinions from all parties to bring their talks to each other. Please be respectful and civil!
Anything related to music, bands, musicians, record releases, etc.
For people to find comfort in others when dealing with depression and other mental health issues. We're here to help. If you need help immediately, please call your local emergency personnel. You may also find help here: suicide.org/suicide-hotlines.html or www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html Mods: @blu, @sugarcunt, @skella, @inkedodie
For members, hopefuls, and SGs in the Southeast US!
A group for anal sex enthusiasts. Discuss techniques, experiences and advice for safer anal sex. Anal virgins welcome :) Current group mod -Agy (July 2016)
New applicants MUST be active on the site for at least a month, have uploaded a profile photo AND have a blog on their page. Make sure to read the rules upon entry please ! NO SPAMMING SETS!! NO SPAMMING SETS!! We love vagina, cooter, punani, labia, labes, clitoris, clit, …
A group to talk about work! Share your experiences, vent, whatever!
"sports, sports, sports, sports" -Homer Simpson For sports fans and participants, team sports and individual!
PLEASE READ BEFORE APPLYING TO JOIN! JOINING CRITERIA: 1. You must have personal photos of yourself on your page whether it be a profile photo or uploads. 2. You must have an active blog/uploads, ie blogging/posting photos at least once a month minimum. 3. You must actively comment around the …