You tired of me complaining yet. Well I'm going to do it some more anyways as I have no one else to complain to. And I do hope everyone has had a nice weekend. I know I didn't. Another weekend of trying to get out of my comfort zone just to remember why I typically don't do these things. So what am I talking about....
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Fun little song reference there. Seriously I'm feeling more and more like most of my problem could be helped by moving far away from where I live. I don't fit in with the local culture, in fact I find it my complete antithesis. There are no local activities I'm interested in, all are located 60+ miles away. I'm an atheist in the middle of the...
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I don't want pity. When I fall down don't stand there and say you feel bad for me, then pat yourself on the back like you helped me. Useless words don't help, and they don't make me feel like you care. If you cared you'd help me in getting back up. Reach out and give me a hand or get me a stool I can...
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We all want to feel needed. But we all have different ways we want to feel needed. Some want to feel that people emotionally need them. Some want to feel that people financially need them. I could go on and on. They has to be a hundred different ways to feel needed. Most men I know want to feel something like financially needed. That someone...
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Yup that's it I'm done with online dating sites. Biggest waste of money Ive ever spend. And I should have known better. You always hear about the success stories of online dating but never about the countless people who don't find anyone. Men who never hear from anyone and women who are constantly harassed. I don't know how it ever works. And at the end...
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My coworkers are not what I would call good people. Homophobic, sexist, racist, the whole nine yards. This often leads to some of the dumbest and rage inducing conversations I get the joy of overhearing. The one I want to focus on today is their homophobia and the conclusion that I took away from it. The conclusion, they believe gay people are like vampires. I...
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Depression, its a thing I feel people who don't suffer heavily from it have a hard time understanding. We all get it from time to time but for me it can be a constant struggle to deal with. My friend never seem to understand, always giving advice like just go out and do things it will go away. But they never seem to understand just...
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My aim here is to start posting regularly on Fridays as an exercise to try and organize my thoughts and feelings that I haven't really had anyone to listen to. For some this may seem like an easy task but I've always been bad at expressing myself in words. I always overthink about the words I write and the words just never seem to convey...
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A bit of an introduction about myself. I'm an atheist, never been one to randomly mention that am one but I wont deny it if asked. The problem is I live in the southern part of the united states. Atheists aren't very welcome here. Why am I talking about this, well its due to a conversation my coworkers had had this week. I work in...
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