Yup I'm a posting whole drunk again. With me finding a bar I like this may become a bit common in my posts. But there is less ranting today, more talking. Mainly I like history. Historical events are such fascinating events. And often they can be so odd you could expect them to be written by reality show writers. Of course this brings up how...
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Live from a real bar. I finally found a bar I like. Which is a miracle in its self. But my real topic is how are bars a place to meet new people. Most of the people here are coming with groups to hang out with. None of them are coming to meet new people. So why are this places recommended as place to meet...
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And what kind of advice am I looking for? Why what to do with my hair of course. Seriously though I'm looking to try something different with my hair and just don't have any ideas. Do I go back to having it short like I use to, do I grow it out. Just hoping for some ideas to play with. And thanks in advanced for
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This is a list of the things that make me feel like I'm alone and that people just don't care about me. Know there are two people I truly feel care about me and they are my parents. But they also don't exhibit any of the things on this list. I also have two people who say they are my friends but they exhibit most...
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Well the flood around here continues. I'm lucky as I live on higher ground on the second story of my apartment complex. But it's been distressing watching as neighboring towns have gone under water. Hell our own down town is under water now. I'm amazed we still have power though we have lost cable so my phone is my only source of information right now....
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I completely forgot to write a blog post last week and that's because Ive have been very tired. With long hours at work starting school back up and one of the worst bouts of insomnia Ive ever had I have been completely exhausted. Monday though Thursday are completely taken up with work and school that I have no free time to rest and Ive been...
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No coherent topic for this week. Been a long bad week end and I just don't have the energy for focusing much. Coworkers are still dumb shitty people, still haven't found a to frequent that I enjoy, still don't have a trustworthy friend. And honestly I'm getting a bit tired of ranting about negative stuff all the time. Despite what they say taking about it...
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Don't you know the world is coming to an end. They made a new microchip that they're going to put in everybody to keep track of them. Its the mark of the beast it is. Its all for the new world order and the whole worlds going to lose their freedoms. You'll see it will be happen real soon. Probably just next year.😑Really....
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Its now been seven and a half months since my ex threw me out and the dissolving of all my friendships. And despite many painful tries to find new friends and love Ive been meet with nothing. Its been months since Ive actually had a meaningful conversation with another human been. It makes me feel like Ive lost the ability to connect with people, that...
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This has been one of those nagging thoughts that has been bothering me recently. That one of the causes for no one wanting to be around me is that I'm boring. Its been really hard to drive this thought away. I really feel like I'm a boring person. That I have nothing exciting to offer anyone. I don't really like going clubbing, your more likely...
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