Fun little song reference there. Seriously I'm feeling more and more like most of my problem could be helped by moving far away from where I live. I don't fit in with the local culture, in fact I find it my complete antithesis. There are no local activities I'm interested in, all are located 60+ miles away. I'm an atheist in the middle of the bible belt, which leads to all sorts of unpleasant things. Honestly I could go on and on. But I still have a few problems with this line of thought. One would moving away really help with some of my problems. Will I suddenly be able to make friends and find love if I move. Or are the things holding me back in these areas things that I will bring with me. Two actually being able to move. New job that's helping pay for trade school is going to keep me here whether I like it or not. So how long do I wait. If I find friends or love do I stay or still move. Three where do I move to. Ive been thinking about going back to my home state of Oregon but is that the best choice for me. How would I know where a good place for me to live is. Too often have I had experiences with things that look good on the out side but become rotten only once your in. How am I to avoid just moving to another place I'll hate and be an outcast again. I guess the only way to answer these questions is to actually move but that looks to be years away.
Well there's nothing worse to be in the south than an atheist. I had grown convinced I would never find someone with the same mindset, but I did meet my husband eventually. My one non religious friend has also just found a non religious guy to date. It is easier near a university. My husband talks about moving all the time, but my job pays the bills and it keeps us here.