I don't want pity. When I fall down don't stand there and say you feel bad for me, then pat yourself on the back like you helped me. Useless words don't help, and they don't make me feel like you care. If you cared you'd help me in getting back up. Reach out and give me a hand or get me a stool I can use to get on my feet. But if all your going to do is give pity then its just better if you go away. I don't want false friends who only hang around in the good times. The same who are quick to ask for your help but oh so slow to give it. Where were you when I'm in pain, where were you when I need someone to talk to, someone to help, to show that they know what I am going though. And yet you're there when you're in trouble, damning me for not being quick enough to help that I'm not sacrificing myself for you. And you say your my friends. What crazy world do you live in where that is what a friend is. And if that truly is what a friend is then I want none. I will no longer support such false relationships. If that means I'm to live the rest of my life alone then so be it. I already know the pain and I have survived with it. But these false friend will be the death of me. How soon will it be that when my life depends on help that all I get is a few words of pity and no helping hand.
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