So I went to Subterranean to go see Dr. Manhattan and Does It Offend You Yeah today.
Right next to my old internship too (which was located in a loft apartment). I wonder if they are still there.
Anyhow, Dr, Manhattan (and I do appreciate the Watchmen reference with the name) was ok, but I was really there for Does It Offend You Yeah, who was, despite some sound issues for a couple of songs with mainly Morgan's guitar, put on a damn good show. Plus, considering the small venue, I got to meet them too. Really awesome guys and they signed the back of my flyer for their DJ after party.
In other news, my friend is trying to pursue for me to get me a job at the company he works at. It will involve me doing 3D CAD work which I have no experience with, but with how he described the methods of creating the models, it doesn't seem different from what I have been doing before....or should I say tried to do before. I hope I do get it as I am sick living off paycheck to paycheck. I want to be able to actually save up money for earn a salary instead of a actually get a shot to move downtown Chicago instead of the boring suburbs. Wish me luck on that...though I know he will try to pursue it due to the fact he gets a nice bonus for recommendations and wants to buy a PS3 and a sweet statue of Batman fighting the Joker he saw at the comic book store.
Right next to my old internship too (which was located in a loft apartment). I wonder if they are still there.
Anyhow, Dr, Manhattan (and I do appreciate the Watchmen reference with the name) was ok, but I was really there for Does It Offend You Yeah, who was, despite some sound issues for a couple of songs with mainly Morgan's guitar, put on a damn good show. Plus, considering the small venue, I got to meet them too. Really awesome guys and they signed the back of my flyer for their DJ after party.
In other news, my friend is trying to pursue for me to get me a job at the company he works at. It will involve me doing 3D CAD work which I have no experience with, but with how he described the methods of creating the models, it doesn't seem different from what I have been doing before....or should I say tried to do before. I hope I do get it as I am sick living off paycheck to paycheck. I want to be able to actually save up money for earn a salary instead of a actually get a shot to move downtown Chicago instead of the boring suburbs. Wish me luck on that...though I know he will try to pursue it due to the fact he gets a nice bonus for recommendations and wants to buy a PS3 and a sweet statue of Batman fighting the Joker he saw at the comic book store.
Awesome, see you Saturday!
Hey, no worries, thanks for coming out to see the show at all! At first I wondered why the show had been scheduled so early, but now I'm glad it was, so that all the people like you going to the con the next day could still come out.