I visit this place a lot, I swear. But I just don't seem to have the energy to respond or comment much these days. If it makes you feel better, I haven't even had a full blown WoW session in a while. Work has been killing me these days. Especially now that they are having days I come in at four o'clock...and I don't mean PM. Well, that is probably to keep from flirting with that really cute girl that works in the portait studio, but I digress.
Hell, I have so busy and exhausted lately, I still haven't bought either XP or Vista to play around with Bootcamp with this new laptop.
And I wish they would stop taking days off away from me. It would be nice to get a day to...you know...sleep. And to do some stuff that I really should have done in the last two weeks, but just haven't had the time to do. Christ, for someone they yell at and only pay nearly minium wage (in Illinois, anyways), they sure like to put a hell of a lot emphasis on how important I am. Probably even when I am half assing it, I am still the most reliable one of the dock crew.
Yet they pay them more than me. Iiiiiironieeeeeee!
At least I don't have much of a real outside social life due to lack of interesting friends in this town (they turn on Fridays at midnight....midnight I tell you!), otherwise that area would be suffering.
You think I would be commenting on all the awesome stuff that E3 would show you, but I haven't checked that shit out yet. I sure whatever is there is awesome, but I missed out on the coverage and all that fancy jazz.
On a brighter note, my friend Matt was talking about a trip to Boston to visit a friend of his. And he would be stopping in an area Conneticut as well...yes, I spelled it wrong. I don't care. He invited me along for the trip and I think I would have to take him up on it. Never been anywhere on the east coast (and believe me, I regret as there were times I wanted to go, but the lack of money really killed me) and this would be a great chance to see it.
Hell, I have so busy and exhausted lately, I still haven't bought either XP or Vista to play around with Bootcamp with this new laptop.
And I wish they would stop taking days off away from me. It would be nice to get a day to...you know...sleep. And to do some stuff that I really should have done in the last two weeks, but just haven't had the time to do. Christ, for someone they yell at and only pay nearly minium wage (in Illinois, anyways), they sure like to put a hell of a lot emphasis on how important I am. Probably even when I am half assing it, I am still the most reliable one of the dock crew.
Yet they pay them more than me. Iiiiiironieeeeeee!
At least I don't have much of a real outside social life due to lack of interesting friends in this town (they turn on Fridays at midnight....midnight I tell you!), otherwise that area would be suffering.
You think I would be commenting on all the awesome stuff that E3 would show you, but I haven't checked that shit out yet. I sure whatever is there is awesome, but I missed out on the coverage and all that fancy jazz.
On a brighter note, my friend Matt was talking about a trip to Boston to visit a friend of his. And he would be stopping in an area Conneticut as well...yes, I spelled it wrong. I don't care. He invited me along for the trip and I think I would have to take him up on it. Never been anywhere on the east coast (and believe me, I regret as there were times I wanted to go, but the lack of money really killed me) and this would be a great chance to see it.
You and Nat should DEFINITELY hang out if timing is suiting
Word man take care of yourself, hopefully if possible get a better job lol your's is too mean to you.