Had a decent scare yesterday with my iPod. Apparently, when I updated the software, it was supposed to help it, but it made things worse. Luckily, if I restore it, it should (keyword is should) work fine. I am slow on the process to actually back up all the data on the damn thing. If not, then I got a reason to get one of those video iPod thingies...
Body is still getting used to this 4 AM crap, but hopefully soon, I will get adjusted. I think the whole working at noon on the weekends kinda screw up it more than if I just woke up for the 4 AM shift. It completely throws me off.
I have come to the realization how the release of a particular video game is now becoming a major event in my life. Tis quite sad really. All the important things I hear with my friends in terms of advancing in their lives and also finding love and all this bullshit.
I am really getting sick and tired of hearing the love aspect too. God damn. Why would they think it is something I want to hear. Then I get an preaching how I am too "picky" about my tastes. Sorry, but "not wanting to shoot myself or the other person in the head while trying to talk to them" doesn't sound too picky to me seeing that is my only requirement. The girls do exist...just none of them are ever single when I meet them. Or they are not attracted to me. They should be more worried about their own inhabititions anyways. Let me alone and lonely. Just don't remind me of it.
I do got one major event going for me though. This June, I shall be making another trip to LA. My friends and I had so much fun, that we decided we need to go back. Not sure of what we will be doing this time around, but I do know two things for sure. First of all, we are going to Vegas. We want to claim a blackjack table, win some money, and (if possible) get laid. Second of all is looking for a possible place to live. Chicago really doesn't offer us much (especially for Matt and myself for work) and we should probably move closer to where the jobs are at.
Though I am not sure if I will be moving to LA. I am also thinking about seeing what it would take to get a work permit for Canada to see if there would be a chance to either work independantly or in a studio there.

Body is still getting used to this 4 AM crap, but hopefully soon, I will get adjusted. I think the whole working at noon on the weekends kinda screw up it more than if I just woke up for the 4 AM shift. It completely throws me off.
I have come to the realization how the release of a particular video game is now becoming a major event in my life. Tis quite sad really. All the important things I hear with my friends in terms of advancing in their lives and also finding love and all this bullshit.
I am really getting sick and tired of hearing the love aspect too. God damn. Why would they think it is something I want to hear. Then I get an preaching how I am too "picky" about my tastes. Sorry, but "not wanting to shoot myself or the other person in the head while trying to talk to them" doesn't sound too picky to me seeing that is my only requirement. The girls do exist...just none of them are ever single when I meet them. Or they are not attracted to me. They should be more worried about their own inhabititions anyways. Let me alone and lonely. Just don't remind me of it.
I do got one major event going for me though. This June, I shall be making another trip to LA. My friends and I had so much fun, that we decided we need to go back. Not sure of what we will be doing this time around, but I do know two things for sure. First of all, we are going to Vegas. We want to claim a blackjack table, win some money, and (if possible) get laid. Second of all is looking for a possible place to live. Chicago really doesn't offer us much (especially for Matt and myself for work) and we should probably move closer to where the jobs are at.
Though I am not sure if I will be moving to LA. I am also thinking about seeing what it would take to get a work permit for Canada to see if there would be a chance to either work independantly or in a studio there.
Where in Canada are you thinking? Vancouver I'm guessing? I had a couple of friends who went down there for amination and gaming stuff.